Zero- The coldest wallet of crypto.

20 Nov 2023

Cryptocurrency widely known as online assets which only can be use with connectivity. An internet connection required to complete any transaction like P2P, sending to exchanges, conversion into fiat, pay on purchasing etc.

The risk of asset's security is high especially in exchange where we didn't have control over them. Experts always warn " not your keys , not your coins" to users in reference of security. Mostly advised us not to keep assets in exchanges upon recent experience of FTX, Luna and blockfi collapses.
So most secure way to keep assets is hardware wallet which gives us double layer security with self sovereignty and integrity. All the wallets like trust, phantom, and metamask.

Zero- The most coldest wallet.
Ngrave is a security provider platform which gives solutions to all categories related to crypto. It is reputable, reliable and trustworthy products producer since five years and introduce many features to users.

Ngrave launched its newest product Zero wallet. Why people called it coldest? Because it Never required any connectivity source like USB, NFC or WiFi to perform any transaction . It is hardware wallet with uniqueness of offline feature. To all the users who are living in remote areas, low strength or unavailable of internet coverage Can now use crypto transactions with Zero wallet. What the CEO of Ngrave saying about it , listen in this video.

Features of Zero Wallet.

  • The only wallet which works offline.
  • The only wallet which has EAL7 certification of security.
  • Only wallet which supports all blockchain assets and NFTs.
  • Only wallet which enables user free from Bluetooth, WiFi and NFC.
  • It is much better , easier and faster then it's competitors like Ellipal and Safepal.

How Zero Works?

Zero is totally centralised hardware wallet which do all transactions through QR codes only. It can connect or can perform any transaction to any online address seemless and smooth as other wallets do. As it supports all blockchain assets, the transaction fee structure applies as per regulations of blockchain.
Just need to generate the QR keys through the Ngrave, setup initiative is simple by biometric or 8 digit password. Hard wallet is protected with high class fiberglass which Keep it Scratch free and lower the risk of damage.

Technologies are growing with rocket speed and innovations spreading around. The Cold hardware wallet with EAL7 certificate sure making difference where it will work totally offline with QR codes. Definitely in coming days we will need such wallets when energy crisis with flame up and inflation boomed up. The Zero wallet is demand of time although it looks costly initially at $300 but not more the security and offline working of our assets.
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