Write to Earn.

Read to Earn.

BULB is a Web3 blogging platform where ideas, passion and engagement are all rewarded.

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55.3K+Registered Users
149.1M+BULB Tokens Earned
95.5K+All Time Posts

BULB is on a mission to change the way we read and write by rewarding your engagement.

We give ownership back to the user.

BULB rewards content creators for 100% of the value they create within the community. Now, you can write, read, react, comment, share and earn cryptocurrency all at the same time.

Write. Read. React. Comment. Share. Earn.

Engage With Content

Engage With Content

Write, read, react, share and comment on blogs shared within the community by using some of your daily allocation of BULB energy.

Collect BULB Points

Collect BULB Points

With each unique engagement, you will earn BULB Points based on the type and quality of your contribution.

Earn BULB Tokens

Earn BULB Tokens

Collecting more BULB points will improve your standing on the community leaderboard and allow you to earn a greater amount of BULB tokens from the weekly reward pool.

Join The Movement

More than 55.3K+ BULB writers and readers.

Join The Movement

Join a like minded community of writers, readers, memers, dreamers, believers, creators and opinion leaders to co-create value for all BULBers on the platform.

A growing list of powerful BULB Token use cases.


Shifting Power

Back To Users

A New Way To Share And Engage With Ideas

The platform host, particularly on Web 2.0, acts as a middleman to extract value from your user-generated content and engagement through advertising, subscriptions, and personal data commercialisation. This means that very few users are rewarded, and they frequently have to pay to gain access to content on the platform.

A New Way To Share And Engage With Ideas

A New Way To Share And Engage With Ideas

Value Created Flows Directly Back To You

We reward every user for their engagement through our Do-to-Earn engagement model, which rewards writers and readers with BULB Tokens. By removing the middleman, BULB returns ownership to the user and rewards them for 100% of the value created within the community.

Value Created Flows Directly Back To You

Value Created Flows Directly Back To You

BULB Rewards Everyone And Anyone

Your engagement is important, whether you write, read, react, comment, or share. Be motivated to share your ideas and passions with the BULB community and be rewarded for it!

BULB Rewards Everyone And Anyone

BULB Rewards Everyone And Anyone

Be Engaged. Be Rewarded.

Join Our Communities