10 Feb 2024

ZORA Network received $60M in funding from Coinbase and Paradigm.

ZORA token airdrop is confirmed by the team and is about to become the most generous in crypto history.

Time - 10 minutes
Cost - $3

Dive into the guide :

ZORA is a L2 blockchain built on top of Ethereum, aiming to make NFT interactions more efficient and cost-effective. Provides a platform for minting, buying, and selling NFTs with lower fees compared to the ETH.

✧ $60M raised from Paradigm & Coinbase > $600M FDV

Airdrop is confirmed and mentioned in the official documentation:


Airdrop Strategy

✧ Activities cost is $3
✧ We are going to participate in Zora Network Airdrop

Add Zora chain to Metamask

✧ Head to http://chainlist.org/chain/7777777
✧ Select 'Connect wallet'
✧ Approve new chain

Bridge funds to Zora

✧ Head to http://orbiter.finance
✧ Select chains to send $ETH from > to
✧ Click 'Send'
✧ Approve transaction

By sending funds via Orbiter we are going to collect points and farm its Airdrop as well.


Zora Network uses Ethereum as gas fee payment. You can minimize all transactions cost to $0.01 by following my tip

✧ Select 'Gas > Advanced'
✧ Input 'Max base fee' > 0,0005 $ETH
✧ Set 'Priority fee' > 0,0005
✧ Repeat this step with each transaction

Zora is not only a L2 chain, but also an NFT marketplace, so it is important to interact with it

I have collected free NFT mints for you on the Zora platform, be sure to mint them and repeat transactions after a while to maintain your activity and get an airdrop multiplier:

Free mint on Zora NFT Marketplace - 1

✧ Head to http://zora.co/collect/zora:0xad61475521d9ffeb9990d97686b5f5b536704362…
✧ Select 'Mint'
✧ Adjust Gas fee
✧ Confirm transaction

Free mint on Zora NFT Marketplace - 2

✧ Head to http://zora.co/collect/zora:0x208c909a084c702f3017d23edea0b980910e3d8e…
✧ Click 'Mint'
✧ Adjust Gas fees
✧ Confirm the transaction

Free mint on Zora NFT Marketplace - 3

✧ Head to http://zora.co/collect/zora:0xd9435750bb4e6e8ad6360c48f324e7844058c76b…
✧ Select 'Mint'
✧ Adjust Gas fee
✧ Confirm transaction

Free mint on Zora NFT Marketplace - 4

✧ Head to http://zora.co/collect/zora:0xb496dc8e265833cb2587a4584f83cced4b9aa69c…
✧ Choose 'Mint'
✧ Adjust Gas fee
✧ Confirm tx

Free mint on Zora NFT Marketplace - 5

✧ Head to http://zora.co/collect/zora:0xa46b3a703c97b631fd0ed0931a413027b10b6b53…
✧ Select 'Mint'
✧ Adjust Gas fee
✧ Confirm transaction

Smart Contracts interactions 1/2

It is important to interact with so many Smart Contracs as only possible, as it may influence your airdrop eligibility

In this part I will show you how to farm 20+ Smart Contracts interactions fast.

Smart Contracts interactions 2/2

✧ Head to http://zkstars.io/?ref=0x613cB827F5B494E96965Ad5e6a3dAce574927502…
✧ Select NFTs to mint
✧ Be in 10% eligible users by minting them all [20 Smart Contracts interacted with]

Deploy token Smart contract

✧ Head to http://thirdweb.com/thirdweb.eth/TokenERC20…
✧ Select 'Deploy now'
✧ Input Metadata
✧ Click 'Deploy now'

Deploy NFT Smart contract

✧ Head to http://thirdweb.com/thirdweb.eth/TokenERC20…
✧ Select 'Deploy now'
✧ Input Metadata
✧ Click 'Deploy now'

Sometimes, Zora may not be available to users due to regional restrictions. To do this, install a free VPN extension in your browser and use European locations

✧ Head to http://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/hnmpcagpplmpfojmgmnngilcnanddlhb…
✧ Add extension to Chrome
✧ Select European geolocation


By following this strategy, you will participate in $Zora Network airdrop
✧ Bridge used
✧ 30+ contracts
✧ 40+ transactions
✧ NFT marketplace interactions
✧ Token & NFT deployed

Check your wallet eligibility based on Arbitrum criteria via http://wenser.xyz

I hope you've found this thread helpful...

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