Viral Infection

24 Oct 2022

Nowadays viral infection is speeding up in our area, everyday many new cases are coming of Viral infection. Its better to take preventions against this infection . Go to your nearby doctor take appointment and get a check up if you see symptoms of the viral infection.
What is Virus ?
Virus are very small germs like agent which needs a living cell or body to live on it also by which they can multiply themselves by reproduction. So there are thousands of viruses like Covid-19, Chicken pox , HIV etc. 

Here are some common symptoms 

Symptoms of Viral infection : 

1. High fever: the body temperature rises rapidly than the normal body temperature.

2. Cough : Due to the virus cough is also common.

3. Sore throat : If you cannot get the taste and smell of the food means this is the symptom of Viral infection.

4. Headache : Your head will start paining .

Prevention from Viral infection : 

1. You should wash your hands properly
2. If you are going outside you should wear a mask.
3. Don't come in contact with ill person or come less in contact.
4. Eat healthy fruits and vegetables .
5. Do exercise and yoga in morning.

If you take care of these prevention then you have less chance to have viral and if you already had viral firstly go to your doctor and consult with him.
By all this you can increase your immunity of your body because immunity is very important .
So at last Prevention is better than cure

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