0x0, the next big gem
0x0 is a DeFi platform that offers a secure and private environment for users to engage in financial transactions. The platform is built on advanced privacy and security protocols and incorporates a suite of tools that combine AI technology with robust privacy and security measures.
Initial Liquidity: 2 ETH
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 $0x0
Initial Circulating Supply: 1,000,000,000 $0x0
Current Circulating Supply: 891,250,000 $0x0
Max Wallet: 2% Initially. Now limits are lifted.
Starting Market Cap: ~$3,000 MC
Taxes: 5% trades/transfers
Tax Breakdown:
1% Buybacks and Burns / Liquidity
2% Development / Team
2% Marketing
Features of 0x0
3.1 AI Smart Contract Auditor
Recently they have been lots of attacks on DEX which have led to loss of millions of dollars and the smart contract attacks tarnish the credibility of the protocol and the project team behind it. With the help of the AI Smart contract auditor this is eliminated. The AI smart contract auditor uses advanced algorithms to analyze smart contracts and identify potential vulnerabilities or issues that could lead to a scam or other security risk which provides users peace of mind when interacting, saves time and money and also provide users with detailed information about potential vulnerabilities and how they can be addressed.
3.2 Privacy Mixer
A privacy mixer as the name implies is a tool that mixes a pool of cryptocurrency together to de-link a transaction trail. In order to use the privacy mixer, users must send their cryptocurrency to the mixer, which mixes it with other transactions in a random and decentralized manner. This makes it difficult for anyone to trace the original source of the funds and helps to improve the privacy and anonymity of the transaction which can also be resistant to attacks and hacking attempts.
3.3 Flashloan within the privacy mixer
The flashloan feature within the privacy mixer allows users to take advantage of arbitrage (practice of exploiting price differences in different markets to make a profit) opportunities in a secure and efficient manner. With the flashloan feature, users can temporarily borrow a large sum of cryptocurrency from the privacy mixer, use it to execute an arbitrage trade, and then pay back the borrowed amount with interest, all within the same transaction.
3.4 The Privacy DEX aggregator
The Privacy DEX aggregator brings together liquidity from a number of different decentralized exchanges and market makers, helping users quickly find the best price for a given trade while ensuring the users transactions remains private and secure.
3.5 Anti-AI Rug
Front running scams are a common way that fraudsters trick unsuspecting users into losing their funds. The AI anti AI rug helps to protect users from such scams in the DeFi space. It works by using advanced algorithms to analyze transactions and detect suspicious behavior, such as setting a tax too high or removing liquidity. If the bot detects any suspicious behavior, it will automatically front run the transaction, preventing users from getting rug pulled.
3.6 The AI developer hub is a platform within 0x0 that allows users to deploy their own custom smart contracts written by the in-house AI, without the need for coding knowledge. The platform uses advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to generate smart contracts that are safe and secure, reducing the risk of scams and fraud.
Why you should choose 0x0
0x0 plans to use the fees generated from the privacy mixer and DEX aggregator to distribute ETH dividends to its users. 0x0 also rewards users who spread the word and also bring in more users, creating a self-sustaining cycle of growth and profitability for the 0x0 community.
Upgrades have been made at dex.0x0.ai for a smoother user experience.
Check below for more information
However, this is not a financial advice. This thread is only intended for informational purposes. Always DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH or consult with a professional financial advisor before making an investment.
References: https://0x0.ai/