Hamster Kombat Cipher, Pixeltap, Gemzcoin and other games Combo Cards for 4th of July

4 Jul 2024

Hamster Kombat
Hamster Kombat is a Tap to Earn Telegram app where you can upgrade to earn hourly. It’s the first game to integrate investing within the gameplay.

Join the Telegram Hamster Kombat bot here:

Hamster Kombat Cipher for 4th of July: ORACLE

O - - - dash dash dash

R . - . Dot dash dot

A . - dot dash

C - . - . Dash dot dash dot

L . - . . Dot dash dot dot

E . Dot

Another clicker game after Hamster Kombat. You can play this game as an alternative of Hamster Kombat! Very interesting and addictive!

Join Gemzcoin game:

Combo Cards for Gemzcoin for 4th of July look for the combined picture

Pixeltap by Pixelverse
Pixeltap is a web3 platform that recently introduced a mini-app on Telegram, allowing users, or more accurately, players, to earn points. These points will eventually be converted into $Pixfi tokens once the tokens are launched.

Join the Telegram PixelTap bot here:

Combo Cards for Pixeltap for the 4th of July look for the combined picture

Powered by Ton ecosystem clicker game. Earn Tapcoins. Also mine Tapcoins passively.

Join Tapscoins Telegram game:

Combo Cards for Tapcoins for the 4th of July look for the combined picture

Mine Boon tokens before launch. Hurry up!

Join Baboon Telegram game:

Combo Cards for Baboon for the 4th of July look for the combined picture
Cat ID Paws
Swipe to earn coins and climb the ranks from kitten to ultimate Feeline Overlord. Game also has a passive mining feature.

Join Cat ID Paws Telegram game:

Combo Cards for Cat ID Paws for the 4th of July look for the combined picture

Tap on the coin and watch your balance grow. How much is GOLD worth? No one knows!

Join Goldverse Telegram game:

Combo Cards for Goldverse for the 4th of July look for the combined picture

Tap on the coin and watch your balance grow! ChainCrops is a Decentralized Exchange on the Solana Blockchain. The biggest part of ChainCrops Token TAPS distribution will occur among the players here.

Join ChainCrops Telegram game:

Combo Cards for ChainCrops for the 4th of July look for the combined picture

If you missed my post about Top Telegram Play to Earn Games:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

#notcoin #clickers #tap #games #telegram #bots #hamster #combat #tapswap #Pixeltap #coin #telegramgames #hamsterKombat #gemzcoin #ChainCrops #Goldverse #catidpaws #tapcoins #baboon

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