Incentivized Testnet Launch | Powered by Rivera Money

25 Jan 2024

We’re thrilled to announce the initiation of Earth Protocol’s Incentivized Testnet, marking a crucial step in co-creating the future of our platform with our dedicated community. Your support has been phenomenal, and we’re grateful for the enthusiasm that has accompanied Earth Protocol’s journey.

As we embark on this exciting journey together, we invite you to be part of our testnet and help us build a robust and user-friendly platform.

💰What’s an Incentivized Testnet?

Our Incentivized Testnet is a way to acknowledge and reward the significant contributions of our early users and community. Your insights, bug identifications, and suggestions will be instrumental in refining Earth Protocol for a seamless user experience.

🔬 How to Join the Testnet?

Participating in the incentivized testnet is made easy through the Zealy platform. Follow this link ( to kickstart your involvement.

🧿 Goals of the Incentivized Testnet

  • Identify bugs and errorsEnhance user-friendlinessConduct rigorous functionality testingStress testing with bots & scripts

🌐 Getting Started with the Testnet

🦊 Add Rivera Testnet (Mantle) to your MetamaskAdd a custom network on your metamask using the following details-

Note: Rivera testnet (Mantle) network needs to be added and switched manually in Metamask if you already have Mantle Network added.🧳 Claim Testnet Tokens from Rivera Faucet

  1. Head over to our partner Rivera testnet website, to receive the following tokens in your wallet: $WETH, $USDC, $RIV-WETH-USDC and $MNT.Connect your wallet, it will switch network to Rivera Testnet (Mantle)Click on the “Claim” button to get testnet tokens.Once the tokens are successfully sent, you will receive a confirmation dialog.

✅ Start Testing at Earth Protocol App (! You are now equipped to start testing and exploring the various features of Earth Protocol. Check out our Zealy quests and watch out for the new and exciting testnet tasks we will release on the platform.Remember to safeguard your test wallet — surprises await after the mainnet launch.Join the Earth Protocol community today and play a pivotal role in reshaping the landscape of DeFi. Stay tuned for more updates as we move closer to the mainnet launch. Together, let’s build the future of DeFi native interest rate swaps!Website:

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