I got a frantic call from Jane, I could hear sobbing through the phone and the line went dead, this is the third call in the past 10 minutes and I can’t still get her to talk.
I tried dialing her line but it kept redirecting to voice mail, I was so shaken I dropped a couple of panic stricken voice mails:
Jane it’s Aiden
Just give me a call back, okay?
Please phone to let me know you're okay, "Jane, I don't know what's going on."
Jane. . ."
"Jane, I just want you to know that I don't despise you. Damn it, I'm genuinely frightened.
You never had my hatred.
Fuck, just give me a call.
"I don't want—just please—but I'm starting to get extremely worried that you might be doing something stupid."
She lives in a different state and her apartment is 3 hours away, I hope I can reach her in time.