Yesterday evening, I was on my way to church for clean-ups against today's service. I had bought a biscuit before taking a bike. It was myself and a colleague that took the bike.
The transport fare was in my possession and on the way, we went.
I had finished the biscuit before we hopped on the bike. As is my norm, I do not dispose waste material anyhow so I put the now waste-sachet of the biscuit in my pocket.
By now, we had priced the cost of the transportation with the bikeman and were already more than half way into the trip. We got to a not-so-clean area and I subconsciously moved to dispose the said sachet there. I reached for my pocket and threw something away. Yes! I threw something away.
It was then that it dawned on me that I may have mistaken the only transport fare on us which is with me, for the waste sachet. The sachet I already threw away.
Hmmmm....... A TownHall......... differen.............
Miracle sha, no dy tire Jesus. Happy Sunday Beautiful People.
The End.