Stop Relying On Motivation

19 Apr 2023

4 Things to Focus On Instead of Motivation
About three years ago, when I was a high school student, I had this really absurd belief that in order to get up and do the work, I need to have some friends to join and study with me. Or sometimes, I tended to check motivational quotes on Pin- terest hoping that they would pump me up. And most of the time, only hours and hours were spent on my screen and no work got done. And I said to myself...

"Well, it's ok. I can do this tomorrow. And after all, I don't feel like doing this tonight, right? Maybe I'll be ready to start doing this tomorrow. Let's call it a day."

And we all know how it ends.

I've got to admit that I was a lazy person back in school. I almost always handed in the assignment at
the last minute. And the pages were blank in my homework book. I was so lazy to the point that I thought I needed to be motivated to get up and do the work.

And the reason why I had this belief was that I perceived successful people were highly motivated individuals. Additionally, motivation gave me a surge of positive energy and a strong drive to take action on my task. But without motivation, I found it hard and challenging to

begin the work, especially if it was

something that I don't enjoy doing.

And now I understand that motiva- tion is not consistent. It comes and it goes; it doesn't stick with us all the time. And it is also influenced by many internal and external factors, such as...

1. Inconsistency-Motivation levels
are always fluctuating. What motivates you today will not motivate you the next day.

2. Environment - If you receive some negative feedback, or if you feel like no one is supporting you, it can lower your motivation level.

3. Stress & Burnout - When you are working on something for a long time and don't see any significant result, that may make you lose your motivation.

4. Lack of Clarity- If you don't have

any clear, specific plan on how to

reach your goal, it will leave you

confused and frustrated.

That's why you need to have some

sort of system or strategy so that

you can actually do the thing you

have to do even if you don't feel like

Successful people do what they need to do, whether they feel like it or not.

So, without further ado, here are 4

things you should focus on instead

of motivation.

1. Have a Cl
Setting clear, achievable goals can help you stay focused and product- ive. By breaking down big, huge goals into tiny, small manageable steps, you can create a sense of pro- gress and accomplishment that canear Goal
fuel you to take more action. And that can certainly move you toward your desired goals.

2. Build Self-Discipline
Discipline is doing the thing you have to do even if you don't want to do it. It is all about choosing delayed gratifications over instant gratifications. It is about choosing what you want now and what you want most.

By setting clear goals and establish-

ing a consistent schedule or routine,

you can build discipline and create
a habit of working towards your goals, even on days when you're not particularly feeling motivated.

Moreover, you will feel satisfied and your self-confidence will surge after you have actually finished the work.

The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term is the indispensable prerequisite for success. - Maxwell Maltz

3. Intrinsic Motivation
People are often driven by their environment. They often follow the paths that their parents or surroundings have set for them. As they go on and on, they feel bored and meaningless because they are walking paths that are not chosen by themselves. When external factors, such as money, fame, or praise, are removed, they no longer feel interested in the things they are doing and their motivation eventually wanes and disappears.

On the other hand, intrinsic mo- tivation comes from within and is driven by a sense of purpose or en- joyment. When you are intrinsically motivated, you are doing something because you find it personally re- warding and fulfilling. By focusing on activities that align with your values and interests, you can tap into your intrinsic motivation and
find meaning in your work.

Furthermore, studies have shown that when individuals are engaged in activities they find personally fulfilling, they are more likely to experience positive emotions and a sense of accomplishment. Plus, they are more likely to think outside the box and come up with unique solu- tions to problems. In other words, their creativity level increases drastically.

4. Track Your Progress
Tracking progress is essential be- cause it serves as a powerful source of feedback and reinforcement for people working towards their goals. And by tracking progress, they can see how far they have come and celebrate their successes along the way.

Besides, it can also highlight areas where individuals need to improve or make adjustments to their approach, giving them a clear roadmap for how to continue making progress.

In short, the more people can see their efforts paying off, the more they are going to continue engaging in their work, leading to greater progress and momentum over time.

Now that I've shared things to focus on instead of motivation, it's time
for you to take action. As a main takeaway, I'd strongly suggest you have a really clear goal that res- onates with you. And create small steps that will move you forward to that goal.

Because if you know what you need to do, and have a crystal clear vis- ion, everything in life will fall into place.

Take action and reap the benefits.

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