Whitetablet: The Genesis

8 Feb 2025

1. Theory of Investing and Management

1.1 Nature

By observing nature, a person eventually begins not only to see a reflection of themselves and be inspired by its ideas, but also to ask: Who is the creator of this work? The very ideas, images, and movement algorithms prompt us to open our souls, immerse ourselves in the creative process, and—by borrowing these ideas—create new forms in the form of mechanisms, management structures, directions of teachings, or science. Although a person constantly tries to create something new and unique, almost everything they create is merely a reflection of an already existing nature. It is no accident that hints are given about a preexisting nature; the question arises: Who created it? In many teachings—some of which have evolved into religious movements—we see the act of creation of our world, yet then the question emerges, in accordance with one of the Laws of the Emerald Tablet, "As above, so below": Is nature a creative process modeled after something more powerful, diverse, and beautiful, created by someone with a unique soul of a super-higher order? With time and effort, we may come to know this when we ourselves rise to such a level of creation and witness something that will inspire us to create what surrounds us today—something that still cannot be fully comprehended in all its diversity.
But for now, we must delve deeper into the mysteries of nature through our own inner experience, without disturbing the integrity of the living—in the form of a body or a subtle inner organization—which completely contradicts what is happening in our world. We must study and discover by following the principles of analogy and transform what we find into something new.

1.2 Investing

I propose that we dive into the very essence of the concept of investing by observing the nature of human relationships. This process does not occur through money or other instruments such as stocks, bonds, coins, or technology, nor through platforms like the stock market, DEX, or CEX. Instead, it constantly takes place in our everyday life. We possess energy and time, and every day we make decisions—consciously or not—choosing where to invest our time and energy. Since our life consists of our energy and our time, we give a part of our life in the process of choosing. We can spend our life supporting other projects, backing producers or someone’s development, or we can invest our energy into something that replenishes it and brings us additional energy in the form of profit. By its very nature, energy can be powerful and exert varying influences; likewise, a person can hold a certain amount of energy. Every true teaching allows a person to always maintain a balance between giving and receiving energy—by directing that energy towards personal development, as well as building it up through willpower and transformation—while, in contrast, the current financial system is designed to create imbalance by rejecting the principles of nature, in which one seed can eventually become a huge tree with thousands of fruits and seeds. In simple terms, nature is capable of multiplying your investments of time and energy by a factor of 100 in one season, whereas the current banking system devalues your efforts every year.
Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass illustrates this well in the moment when the Queen tells Alice that one must constantly move in order to remain in one place, and that to reach another place, one must run ten times faster. When you move at any speed, you should always be in a new place relative to that speed, isn’t that logical? Yet someone decided to change this logic so that movement—without extraordinary effort—will always hold you in the same place, and standing still will gradually throw you back within this system. This is precisely the reason why people work for years and only manage to remain in one place, never accumulating the means for investment.

1.3 The Financial System and Its “Gifts”

The key feature of the current financial system is “living on credit” or “living as a sacrifice.” That is, you have been moving all your life, which allowed you to support your family and sometimes go on vacation 1–2 times a year, yet you still haven’t managed to accumulate enough capital to purchase your own home and live and work independently of a salary. In addition to holding you back all this time by devaluing your energy—based on “market conditions or the market value of your labor”—now you are offered a solution where you must exert even more effort to have this “gift” approved. This “gift” is a loan or a mortgage.
They offer you what you were never allowed to attain, devaluing your energy and time—in essence, your life. They create a problem and immediately offer their solution, which will plunge you into even greater obligations. I believe there is no point in elaborating on the constant pressure faced by a person in debt; many who have taken loans understand this themselves. Our task is to understand how the financial system is structured and to demonstrate that its primary symbol is sacrifice. First, you are devalued and nearly all your strength is taken from you—“exhausting you with thirst”—and then you are offered a “glass of water,” which makes you now a de jure debtor. And now, officially, you are a debtor: they have drained your fundamental energy and time to keep you functional, and then burdened you with debt in exchange for the comfort you acquired. More comfort means more debt and an explicit acknowledgment of being a debtor. A debtor is not a victim; however, in order to make you a debtor, your efforts must be devalued, meaning that all your energy goes to someone else, and you are paid “by the market,” less than you truly deserve. If this happens, then with your life you are providing for someone else—and that is a sacrifice.

1.4 Blockchain or Bitcoin?

You are all familiar with the cryptocurrency system that was originally created to represent a new variant of the future financial paradigm, but it became a branch of the banking system as soon as it acquired value in dollars and became Bitcoin. You can observe how, at the expense of the sacrifices of some people, others become wealthy. No one has yet managed to clearly reflect the essence of the current banking system. There are no veiled or hidden rules here; everything is visible.
Why did blockchain technology become a branch rather than an independent system? I believe the answer is clear. It is a dangerous technology that could have completely upended the current world order, but fighting it is futile because, by its very nature, it is invincible. Therefore, it was priced in dollars. This means that the one who controls the issuance of dollars can take control of such a technology through the purchase of Bitcoin—whatever amount is necessary to preserve their own dominance. And why do you still accept these rules of the game and consider technology a financial asset? Because it is the standard scheme of the current financial paradigm: devaluation creates a need, and then a “solution” is offered so that you can indulge in that greed and seek enrichment in Bitcoin, thus satisfying your pre-formed need in the current system.
It is important to understand that there is no point in trying to accumulate Bitcoin; what matters is to look at the meaning of the technology and what it can offer the world, since no one will be able to change it or erase it from memory, nor fully take it under control. And that control is possible only externally, without infiltrating or hacking the technology itself, because people's greed works against them, allowing decentralized computing volumes to grow.

1.5 Managing Energy

1.5.1 Money

Where we direct our energy, we support that part of our life; therefore, one must be very cautious about whom and what we support. Money is transformed energy. If money—as a universal means of exchange—manifests in the form of currency in the current banking system, it reflects our level of influence specifically within that financially sacrificial system, and nowhere else. They do not indicate our true talents, our contributions to society, or our inner strength. They merely show how useful we are to this banking system and what position we hold in it: predator – prey – savior. If you receive little money, you should not devalue your true level of influence and investment, because, as mentioned above, the amount of money does not equal your actual influence. A single idea of yours, formulated as one proposal that intrigues someone, could bring them millions of dollars, while you might not even be noticed.
If we cease to give our attention to a product, we will not buy it, and therefore will not support it, and that product will soon lose its usefulness to society and vanish. This is how we, as a society, create our reality by investing our lives in events, services, things, brands, and so on—and it is precisely here that one must value one’s life and not give it away indiscriminately to everything that shines brightly or is loudly advertised.
I will not tire of repeating that in the current realities—which attempt to devalue us and our labors—we are capable of managing our energy ourselves, and we can exchange that energy, as honest people, either for a small influence in the current financial system in the form of money or for a large influence in the form of big money, as the corrupt, dishonest people do. It must be clarified that having large amounts of money, obtained through criminal means or too easily due to imbalance in the current system, does not make you someone capable of competently managing and redirecting other people’s energy flows so as to redeem your karma and benefit both others and yourself. Therefore, accepting the realities of the current world, we must say that it does not matter how the money was obtained—the important thing is its effectiveness in further distribution.
Now, it is necessary to clarify what efficiency means. The essence of efficiency is that money should bring greater benefit to people whose talents have been devalued, who have remained unnoticed, or who are mired in mundane problems instead of revealing their talents and realizing themselves for the benefit of themselves and the surrounding world. This does not mean that you must give away a part of your money to those who have none; it means that you must manifest your individual talents and create something that can inspire others, create a platform where they can reveal their talents, or develop sustainable financial projects that can provide for people and make them free even within the current financial system.

1.5.2 Discreditation

If you have created something of your own and something useful for society, you may simply not be noticed, or your ideas may be copied and used by people who have much more influence within the system to which people devote most of their energy. The same happened with blockchain technologies after they became known simply as Bitcoin in the eyes of the masses; yet that does not change the essence or value of the technology—only its representation in the minds of others changes. Therefore, true projects or developments capable of changing the world will remain truly valuable, even if no one recognizes them, because many are busy chasing yet another profit in order to free themselves from imposed debts. Be cautious in investing, because the strengthening of one aspect leads to the devaluation of another, which automatically renders worthy ideas, in the eyes of the banking system, unworthy of attention.

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