7 scientifically proven ways to attract the attention of others

2 Oct 2023

Whether you're an up-and-coming entrepreneur trying to market your company to investors, an employee trying to impress your boss with your efforts, or a speaker trying to get your audience to listen to you, in most cases you're trying to get others to pay attention to you. You may find this difficult, as despite all your attempts, you do not get the result you want. So how do you become someone special? In fact, there is a lot of scientific research centered around the way the brain receives and processes information around it. The famous writer and investor Ben Parr touched on many of these studies, and conducted several interviews with experts in this field, to arrive at what is known as “Captivation Triggers,” which he talked about at length in 1- Automaticity “We unconsciously and automatically pay attention to specific signs, sounds, colors, or other factors based on their contrast with their surroundings,” Parr says in his book. The color of a company's logo contributes greatly to forming a consumer's or customer's opinion about the entire brand. Red, for example, gives the impression of violence, blue suggests calm and tranquility, while yellow represents activity and energy. Colors are not the only factor that affects automatic alerting. Temperature also plays an important role, as a study conducted in 2008 showed that people who hold a hot drink in their hands are seen by others as warmer than those who hold a cold drink, for example. How do you benefit from spontaneity to attract the attention of others? We are certainly not asking you to dress like a clown to attract attention, or to walk around all the time carrying a cup of hot coffee, or even to talk loudly all the time, but you can, for example, do the following: Wear a tie or scarf (if you are a girl) in a distinctive color that matches the rest of your clothes, thus drawing attention to you. If you are about to meet someone for the first time, have hot coffee or any warm drink with them, but if you are going to have a meeting in which you will negotiate with the other party, make your drink iced. Always remember that the pronunciation of a person's name is often the best and most important sound in any language, so get to know the names of others and use them well while talking to them. One expert tells writer Ben Parr: “We process the information our minds receive within a mental frame of reference in our minds,” and thus influencing others’ frame of mind or changing our own frame of mind contributes greatly to attracting others’ attention to us. Your way of expressing something and your choice of words play a big role in determining the other party's reaction to what you say. An experiment was conducted in 1974 at the University of Washington, where a video clip of two cars crashing together was shown, and viewers were asked to answer a question about the speed of both cars during the accident. But the way the question was asked was different, as several words were used to express the word “collision,” such as: “smashed” or “bumped.” The speed suggested by the group that was asked using the first word was much higher than the speed suggested by the group that was asked using the second word. This is because “smashed” gives the impression of a strong collision resulting in debris, while the second word suggests that the impact was mild. How do you influence the frame of mind of others? You can take advantage of this to attract others' attention to you: Choose your words carefully, and make sure to make your speech interesting and enjoyable. You must repeat, as several studies have shown that repeating a certain phrase makes others believe that it is true, so if you want to convey a specific idea, do not hesitate to repeat it in the ears of others so that it becomes ingrained in their minds. Read also: What are persuasion and influence skills and how can you develop them? 3- Breaking the usual pattern One of the most important characteristics of the human mind is that it always pays attention to everything that contradicts its expectations. Whether in a positive or negative way: If it violates our expectations in a positive way, we will view it as having higher value. Conversely, if he violates our expectations in a negative way, we will create an idea of him as having less and less value. How about using this trick to attract the attention of others, but in a positive way of course! You can do this by doing any of the following: Ask others an unexpected question. Break a record in a specific field. Complete a difficult task before the deadline. Invite your boss, colleague, or someone whose attention you want to grab for a walk instead of a cup of coffee. There are undoubtedly thousands of ways to do this, you just have to think differently. Strive to do things around you in a way other than what you are accustomed to, or what others are accustomed to from you, and notice the effect this has on your presence in their imagination! Read also: 13 psychological facts that may change your view of yourself 4- Reward and creating desire Group of Friends You may have heard of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that is often linked to feeling happy, but it is actually more related to desire and motivation. It ignites our desire to obtain something, such as food, money, or other material or emotional rewards. If you want to attract the attention of others, you must fuel their desire to stay around you by making offers of material rewards (incentives or salaries that are attractive to employers) or moral rewards (such as personal development, training opportunities or skills development). In other words, make the other party feel that... Being with you or staying with you is fun, full of passion and surprises. Read also: Charisma and the power of presence 5- Reputation We humans, by nature, tend to deal with and are attracted to everything that is reliable, and we may even pay very large sums of money for any reliable service. So, first and foremost, you must convince the person in front of you that you are worthy of trust so that you can get him to listen to you 6- Mystery The mind usually focuses more on things that are incomplete or incomplete than on what is clear and complete. So you can exploit this to your advantage, and take advantage of it to attract others' attention to you through the following: If you meet someone for the first time, don't take the initiative to tell him everything about your life, your ideas, and your points of view. Be mysterious and let him try to discover this mystery. In business presentation meetings, keep the meeting to no more than 45 minutes, and leave room for discussion during subsequent meetings and other networking opportunities. Instead of talking at length about yourself and the details of your life, ask others questions to ensure that the conversation continues without having to reveal too much about yourself. Read also: Learn about the skill of open-mindedness and how to acquire it 7- Acknowledgment Acknowledgment and acknowledgment is one of the most important reasons why major companies like Google always attract the most skilled expertise and talents to them. Such companies treat each employee as a distinct individual and not just a secondary person among dozens of employees. Humans are naturally drawn to those who make them feel valued and give them a sense of belonging to a specific group. Therefore, in order to be able to attract the attention of others around you, appreciate their achievements, recognize their advantages, and praise their perseverance, away from flowery or artificial compliments.

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