28 Dec 2023

Child and childhood, which are of special interest in various fields of social sciences, are handled in line with the conceptual frameworks of that research discipline and these concepts or phenomena are examined from a certain perspective. Before examining the concepts of women, youth and children by different disciplines, it is important to determine how they are understood and the basic dynamics in the formation of understandings with them. In order to understand this, it is important how childhood was conceived until the end of Antiquity, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hindu, Buddhist, Bible, Islam and the Middle Ages. In the class distinctions that occur with the social error transition, the position of the child changes depending on the benefit it shows or will show. The factors that are effective in the imagination lived from the principles of survival and the continuation of the lineage to the understanding of creating an ideal human are stated. For pragmatic goals, legitimizing the boy-girl distinction in childhood and adopting an understanding accordingly can be seen in practices up to the present. In fact, today, the idea that human beings should be accepted as a whole is dominant. In the process from the mother's womb to death, addressing the human being without separating it into any period stands in front of us as a key to better understand the human being.

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