Artificial intelligence warning from the US

22 May 2024

In a bulletin prepared by the US Department of Homeland Security's Bureau of Intelligence and Analysis, concerns were shared that content produced with artificial intelligence could be used maliciously in the upcoming 2024 presidential elections.

In an analysis bulletin sent by the US Department of Homeland Security to law enforcement agencies across the country, it warned that generative AI could threaten the security of the presidential election on November 5.

“As the 2024 election cycle progresses, generative AI tools will likely provide more opportunities for both domestic and foreign threat actors to intervene by exacerbating fast-moving events, disrupting election processes, or attacking election infrastructure,” the bulletin said.

In the bulletin, where the perpetrators of possible attacks that can be carried out through artificial intelligence are called “enemies of the nation-state”, “Russia, China and Iran continue to develop the most sophisticated malicious influence campaigns online. Many of the tactics used by these adversaries to influence US audiences are likely to be used ahead of the 2024 elections.”

The bulletin emphasized that the attacks would be aimed at undermining state institutions, social cohesion and confidence in democratic processes.


At a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing last week, US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines warned Congress about the dangers of productive artificial intelligence and stated that artificial intelligence technology can produce “deep fakes”.

In a statement made by the New Hampshire Attorney General's Office, it was stated that US President Joe Biden's voice was imitated in the artificial intelligence-produced fake voice recording sent to voters' phones hours before the primary elections held in the state on January 23, and that an investigation was launched into the issue.

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