Weekend: A fkin lazy part 2
Good Afternoon Bulb Family!
Greetings, everyone!
Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well and staying healthy. Today's been alright for me, but I've got this heavy feeling looming over me. It's all because of tomorrow – I've got two exams lined up, and let me tell you, the anticipation is really weighing on me. I bet you can relate!
This morning, I woke up with the intention of watching some entertaining videos to lighten my mood. But even as I scrolled through, my heart just wouldn't calm down. It's just me awake in the room while my roommates catch some Z's. Plus, someone special messaged me bright and early, but then got caught up in her own stuff. Ah, the joys of mornings!
Anyway, today's article is going to be a bit random – just a chat about whatever comes to mind. I hope you're not too busy, since you're here reading this. Let's dive into it, because I know your time is valuable, and I wouldn't want to keep you waiting.
Note: This article is also published on my read.cash account.
Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.
Weekend: A fkin lazy
Weekend: A fkin lazy part 2
Image from Unsplash
This article serves as Part 2 of previous piece. In my previous article, I discussed how weekends often lead to laziness due to the lack of plans and social interactions with university friends.
Now, let's talk about another factor contributing to this laziness: exam weeks. After my third final exam on Wednesday, our university granted us holidays to prepare for the upcoming exams. Personally, I'm not a fan of these extended breaks during exam periods. I believe a single day off is sufficient for preparation, especially for challenging subjects. However, here we are given 4 to 5 consecutive holidays, which I find excessive.
What's worse is that there won't be any further breaks after tomorrow's exam, despite the subject being difficult. It's a tough situation to navigate, but we'll push through nonetheless.
Due to these holidays, I've found myself becoming increasingly lazy. I kept putting off studying, telling myself that I still had plenty of time to start preparing. But this procrastination only led to wasting the last three days, leaving me feeling unproductive and unmotivated. The burden of not studying for my exams weighed heavily on me, making it difficult to focus on anything else.
Burden Of Exams
Image from Unsplash
I lost interest in other activities, even though I wanted to enjoy social media or engage in other hobbies. The looming exams overshadowed everything else, making it hard to find enjoyment in anything. I'm sure many of you can relate to this situation from your own student days.
In my opinion, exam weeks are the absolute worst. I just want to be done with them already. Now, as the last day of the holiday rolls around and with two exams awaiting me tomorrow, I'm determined to buckle down and study diligently.
Another factor contributing to my laziness is the emptiness of our room. It's just me and one other roommate, and our room feels unusually spacious since our third roommate is staying at a friend's place to study alone for his exams. This sense of emptiness has added to our lethargy.
Ending Thoughts
However, I've been studying diligently since morning and managed to cover half of my subjects. Now, I feel it's time to take a break and unwind, which is why I've set aside some time to publish this article here.
Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
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Gmail: jawadniazi897@gmail.com