I should adore you

28 Mar 2023

I felt very fortunate today because I got to spend the entire day with you.

I had the opportunity to witness you, and I love, cherish, and appreciate your smile.

When you were unaware that I was watching you, I admired your attractiveness.

When I touched you, you complained about what you saw to be your flaws rather than my touch.

My wife is so gorgeous, why can't you see that God made you and that you have grown into a lovely woman?

I see a very lovely woman in you, a pure beauty.
You continue to affect my heart and soul when I touch you, that much is certain.

I sense warmth, love, and beauty in a touch when I touch your body with my hands.

You have grown up, and I must admit that I am certain that this has made you into a lady who I cannot imagine not having in my life.

I enjoy feeling your body and your exquisite, sensitive skin.
I then question why I am so fortunate that God chose to make you my wife.

Although our hearts are still so young and you and I have matured together, I love you for who you are and who you have become.

Your beauty is mature and depicts the lives of a wife and mother.

I thank God that you are in my life because you are so lovely and perfect to me.
Do not question me when I tell you that you are gorgeous.

You are still as stunning as when I first saw you and admired you from a distance.

I love it when I touch you and caress you.
I am in love with a really precious treasure, after all.

Pammy, you are the love of my life and everything I want.

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