Patience – The Powerful Missing Ingredient In Your Crypto Journey

23 Aug 2024

A Powerful Warrior
Crypto is synonymous with accelerated and enormous gains. This is true. However, the volatility of this market can often erase gains in the short term. Investors are usually attracted by the high-paced aspect of Crypto, thinking they can capitalize on the volatility, and then sail off into the sunset. However, financial markets are wired in such a way as to block you from experiencing this dynamic.
Fund managers are incentivized to keep you in the market and so are often heard saying the following:

It’s all about time in the market, rather than timing the market.

This happens to be true. Eventually, time in the market will reward you, especially within the Crypto space. However, more experienced traders and investors are better equipped to time and work within the patterns of financial markets. Unfortunately, this is not a reality for everyone, so time in the market is a valuable and effective strategy to implement. It is rewarding. However, it operates on its own timetable.
This is where Crypto investors miss it. They have their own predefined timelines and expect the market to “work” within their timeframe. This is unrealistic and the mindset of many investors out there. Timeframes can be utilized, provided they are backed by data and technical analysis, not according to your own desires and plans.
Learn From The Whales
Every so often you will see a Satoshi-era wallet come to life and simultaneously shift millions in BTC to an exchange such as Coinbase or Binance. These HODLers sit on coins for a decade or more. Then there are the whales who utilize a strategy similar to one I have shared in the past. It is a strategy designed to increase coin holdings. Dollar valuations are inconsequential.
The objective is to increase one’s assets over time so they can be sold at a more favorable price. The desired outcome is to multiply your coin holdings over time. While this is being done, the price is ignored in favor of an increase in another area. In this way, time in the market is capitalized. Whether you utilize such an approach, time will eventually handsomely reward the patient investor.
Investors who adopt a long-term strategy and capitalize on the dips, inevitably secure their portfolio for future gains, regardless of current volatility and price action. I remember when BTC hit $3K in 2018, TradFi “geniuses” said it would take at least a decade to regain its all-time high of $20K. Well, within three years, it more than tripled its all-time high. Time and commitment to a strategy is key.
It’s all about staying the course and continuous dedication to one’s strategy. Many investors are happy to remain committed to a strategy provided things are going their way. However, when the market begins to rain on their parade, their conviction gives way to lethargy and eventually, dominancy. Strategies exist for the sole purpose of providing light in the darkness. They direct your steps during the darkness of bearish and unfavorable periods.

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Final Thoughts
If you cannot time the market, at least to some degree, then spend time in the market. It’s a solid approach, especially considering that the world of blockchain and Crypto is in its infancy. There is still further adoption and growth in the pipelines Identify future trends and projects and begin building with that in mind. Enjoy the weekend and I will catch you in the next one!

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First of all, I am not a financial advisor. All information provided on this website is strictly my own opinion and not financial advice. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.
This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.

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