The bear market is your best friend. Whether you’re starting out or you’re an OG, prepare for bull
1. Determine how you can provide value to the space.
Everyone’s got something to offer in web3. You have to find your inner cre8or and that’s a self discovery journey worth taking.
2. Identify your cre8ors tribe.
Likeminded people tend to spend time together so look for those sharing your interest and the communities that share your vision
3. Make a plan to connect with the leaders of your cre8ors tribe.
You have to be aware that thought leaders in the space will not answer your long DMs to give you all the knowledge you seek. Build a plan to get it
4. Treat your Twitter presence like your best outfit.
You have to really think about your Twitter presence as your digital identity in web3 and always work on constantly adapting and improving your content & spaces presence
5. Remember the ones who built the party venue when the party starts.
Come the bull market, you’re gonna see a lot of people showing up to the party. Remember the ones that helped build the venue 🫡