A Parallel Truth

3 Feb 2025

They speak of motives, sharp and clear,

Of women's reasons, far and near,

Of why they stray, and break the vow,

And how their hearts can disavow.

We hear the rules, the judgment stern,

On fragile hearts, lessons to learn.

But turn the mirror, if you dare,

And see the same reflection there.

The whispers start, a different guise,

Of men who seek beneath dark skies,

Not random acts, but purpose led,

With rules they follow, deep instead.

They stray, it's said, not by mistake,

But by a path their choices make.

To understand, you must see deep,

The patterns that these men will keep.

When emotions choked, and spirits bound,

And freedom's call cannot be found,

When needs are left unsaid, unmet,

A different path they will beget.

External praise, a tempting quest,

Where validation's put to test,

And bodies beckon, full of lure,

A different muse, a different cure.

If you grow tame, too compliant, mild,

Or dominance you've reconciled,

They'll seek a thrill, a different race,

A challenge new, a quicker pace.

When passion fades, and boredom's grip,

On loyalty begins to slip,

A new desire, it will ignite,

For one who fans a different light.

The ego swells, it takes control,

A conquest sought, to make them whole,

To feel the strength, the power's sway,

In pastures green, where others play.

Attention sought, a new embrace,

In partners deemed with softer grace,

To feed the need, the primal urge,

A different path, a different surge.

When belittled, or desire's denied,

His inner king can't be defied,

He seeks a realm where he can reign,

And feel the fire, once again.

If you're not queen, of all he knows,

And fascination rarely shows,

He'll find a source, that feeds the need,

Where power and desire will breed.

The world presents, temptation's call,

In venues shared, they rise and fall.

A simple word, a coyish glance,

A web of lies, a dizzying trance.

"It's not what seems," they softly swear,

"Just friends," they'll say, without a care.

While needs they claim, go unfulfilled,

A single glance, a void is filled.

The truth, though harsh, they say, is this,

They cheat, because they can't resist.

Society smiles, a knowing nod,

On double standards, laid by God.

A woman's blamed, she bears the stain,

While men feel free, to break the chain,

And self-worth crumbles, in the fray,

"Am I enough?" "Why did he stray?"

So heed the call, girl, clear and bold,

A story told, that must unfold,

Become a force, he'd not ignore,

A gem he'd treasure, evermore.

And if he still, lets you slip through,

Know it's his loss, nothing to rue,

He chose the trash, not knowing grace,

You rose above, in time and space.

For in the end, the hearts that break,

They understand, the choices they make,

Why some men stray, they've seen it all,

Don't be the one, who has the fall.

Stay solid true, or watch him flee,

You are worthy of love, truly free.

Reflect the truth, in its raw might,

For it to teach, what's wrong and right.

You've come this far. May the Divine Grace be upon you.

If you have some spare time to review my other pieces of writing, I would greatly appreciate your support and I thank you in advance.

The Echoes of Disappointment: A Family's Unresolved Conflicts

My Body, My Choice: Why I Won't Become a Mother

The Commute's Over: My Life After Ditching the Daily Grind

The Quiet Christmas Wish

What Do I Need As I Age?

My Greatest Fear

My Childhood Ambition

Beyond Cramps: Uncovering the Causes of My Intense Menstrual Pain

Fate's Script, Free Will's Ink

One “Why”, One “How”

The Pillars of a Blissful Life

Navigating the Tides: My Journey with Menstrual Cramps

The Long Road to Peace

My First BULB-SOL Swap

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