8 Jan 2023

Skaflic is a project on a mission to deliver unique innovation to E-COMMERCE using cutting edge technology from blockchain development.
The method to which any relationship is created and maintained to conduct business transactions through telecommunications, E-COMMERCE, has evolved over the years and it can be categorized in 3 ways:-

1️⃣B2B - Businesses-to-Business
2️⃣C2C - Customer-to-Customer
3️⃣B2C - Businesses-to-Customer

With these categories, relationships between businesses and individuals are facilitated. The growth of e-commerce over time has increased and is still expected to increase with about 14.7% between 2020 - 2027, and a lot of businesses are solidifying their positions in the e-commerce market.
skaflic has however introduced the blockchain technology to e-commerce and has factored top tier innovations to make the financial ecosystem favorable to investors and users of skaflic platform.
I could go on and on but joining the Skaflic community and not just getting the usual announcements, but also learning and advancing in the financial ecosystem is magnificent.

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