Story Of The Farmer And His Crop !

25 Feb 2024

Once upon a time, there to be a farmer in a village who was very hardworking. He used to grow grains in his fields, but whenever he grew grains in his fields, his crops would get spoiled due to some reason or the other and sometimes there would be a flood. Sometimes his crop would be eaten by insects, sometimes a storm would come and sometimes his crop would dry up due to the sun.

One day he is sitting under a tree and looking at his ruined crop, meanwhile he looks at the sky and says to God that people say that you know everything but don't you know how to grow crops? How much hard work goes into me every time I sow a crop?

So you spoil it with flood or storm. If I had the power to change the weather, I would tell you how to grow crops. As soon as the farmer says this, a voice comes from above saying, 'Okay, I give you this power, like you.' You can change the weather if you want.

The farmer was very happy and after a few days he started farming in his fields again but this time he had powers due to which he did not allow floods, storms, insects and sunlight to come to his fields. Then in no time a year passed. the crops had grown well

The farmer was very happy to see this. He thought that if God were here today, he would have told him how well he had grown his crops by using his powers. Then the farmer started harvesting his crops. He had to harvest a few crops. After that he saw that there was not a single grain of wheat inside the ear of wheat.

He became very upset. When he looked at his crop, he realized that there was not a single grain in his wheat bundle. He again started calling God and asked whether I had committed any mistake that he has given me this punishment.

Then the voice of God came from above and he said that I have not given you any punishment, whatever has happened has happened because of your mistake, you did not allow your crops to heat in the sun, you did not let them struggle in floods and storms due to which Because she is so empty inside.

Lesson Of The Story

Whenever any difficulty comes in our life, we start cursing our fate or start running away from that difficulty, whereas that difficulty comes into our life to make us better than before. If we face that difficulty and If we struggle with it, we become even better.


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