Grandmother: The head of the family

27 Oct 2022

my grandmother About five and a half feet tall, fair in complexion but with tanned skin. behind the husband
Even if the whole world falls on the neck, in the hands of the grandmother who rules over the third-our-generation, even if she is past seventy.
The stick did not come. All the teeth were intact; But shine like a pearl. There was no black hair on the head.
Big ears, sharp nose, facial expression that conveys the beauty of youth despite the wrinkles on the face.
Stiff spine, old twisting canal vessels in legs. Choli and nauvari of two colors green and red
Ircal pulp. Bukka placed on the forehead so that the moles are not visible. All our family under grandma's umbrella
Gunya Govinda was laughing.
We had a village cow in our house. We used to call her Kapili. One after the other, at least, it is definitely a joke
to give Therefore Davani always had Kapili's bull. Kapili also used to give a lot of milk. Our father or
My uncle went to take the edge, and we marched to the cowshed with glasses. If the cow left the cow, the calf would be killed
He used to listen to the music of milk in the cow and wait for the cow to be filled. When the pasture is full, the calf should be released again
I used to stand in the line with it. Then the warm milk would come into our glasses and we would drink the warm milk till we got a mustache
Stay Finish there and come home. The remaining half of the herd came into the house, and the old woman used to take it easy.
She sat there. Pulling each bead of the garland in the hand, something was going on, because only one, my mother and
The younger cousin was told not to make tea and drink it. Four daughters-in-law of four houses came to Nanda. their
Who to trust? It is not sure who will give how much to someone's child, so we have to get milk in the cowshed itself
Grandma used to have a keen eye. There was another reason why Aji sat there. Our mother was also great. You sit down
The Javanese used to work. In fact, grandma made everyone share the work. How many days someone bread
To do, someone to wash the laundry, someone to do the canals, dishes
It was all decided who would rub it and for weeks
Everyone's work was changed like rotation. Each to each
Grandmother is very strict that work must come. She will not come
She used to teach; But there was no escape from work. bread
Lakholi to Karpalya Ki Kararani. The firewood is not good, that
When the cooking was done, it was our turn to be the shepherds first
used to sit Grandmother used to move forward and our mother used to eat food Or any aunt; But even while growing up, grandmother's vigilance. To eat and drink. Keep someone sharp
don't want to give After our meal, the wild breads were tied and then all the women ate together.
After beating the boys to school between ten o'clock, planning the afternoon work, then grandma's ride will come to Dhaljant. sitting
Fall asleep while sitting; But beware of heavy sleep. No matter what happened, the grandmother woke up. Take the canosa and re-eye it
will cover While he was sleeping, women gathered in the street to sew clothes, split pods or grain
Regardless of choice, everyone should work for each other. The women in the street used to bring chores. chat
to be Discussions of in-laws, Jach, etc.
Our Dhalaj was the village newspaper and my grandmother was its editor. So all the news there
to come They used to be checked and then they used to go all over the village. This concert would break up before the bitter fall. of humans
When it was time, the old woman would lose her temper. People used to sit on the slopes. Dhaljan's door rang at around eight in the night
And once the fire was put out, the castle would be quiet. It means to put it on the next door or to remove it
It was divine for us. Originally it was six feet long and one and a half feet wide
The teak used to pass into a temple in a wall next to it. She pushed through the door
Opening or hand to the jaws of a brass tiger at her mouth
It is a very difficult math to drag it out and push it into the temple in the front wall
was This agal was a strong protective shell of a door, alternatively a castle.
Even in the afternoon, it is a chance for us to go out for summer and vacation
If not, the support of that fire felt the same at night.
In the hot sun, then without causing much trouble to the grandmother, she lay down there, lying down, easily
Anywhere we used to play sitting games. Chinchokes, Gajga, Khapar's Bhingars, Jiblas,
There used to be games like Chuluchulu Mungla, Bhovar, Gotya, and sometimes in the firewood of the house.
We used to cut wood and make bricks and sticks. Shape them round while making Bhingaris
To give, he had to sit on the stone. There was a hook in the middle, that the board was black and dirty
To make it happen, I used to rub it hard. The dried pods of the tarwad were pierced and the acacia was plucked with a fork. To the thorn
One inside and one outside of the goat's lenda were used and made bhangras. Bullock carts of sorghum plates
to make Bullocks were made by bringing red clay from Talmi. Sometimes they used to bring round balls and they were nice
Make nice rounds. Then, avoiding everyone's eyes, he would shoot slowly and go to play football. Right there
Kuri used to paint the plot. Those who did not get a chance to play used to hang around the branches like a monkey.
Play swing. On the way down, the yellow palavi, split off the tops of the parambs, was eaten as a snack. I used to go to the temple.
Old people used to wake up by ringing the bell. In the afternoon, we would turn to Morcha Vihiri. willingly
to swim To play Shivanapani. There used to be a race to throw the balls and blow the water. Bored, or wet body
It used to roll on the soil there. If you start sitting fast, jump into the water again. Coming home tired and on bread
To jump. Looking at the red eyes and the white body, I used to eat the grandmother's speech. All these are natural
Childhood was shaped in the environment. Naive tamarinds, salt pebbles and raw kaira, sacks on dams, tamarind taur,
Umbar, dhal, roasted grains on a fork, wheat-sorghum hurda, raw brinjal, guar, small tambati, goats, kalingads,
Lentils, Kardichi-patra vegetables, Jowar green plate, Kavat, Turi-Matki pods, their decoction, Hulgya
All wild fruits were going to the stomach. We were growing. was fighting Playing together again. Dhaljant
I was studying under my grandmother. We were growing up under the shadow of my grandmother.

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