Real Life Super Hero?

24 Jul 2022

Super heroes seen in stories and movies are liked by all of us for their power and explosive performance. But today we are going to tell you about such real life super heroes, knowing the truth of which you may become crazy about them. Neither any doctor nor any scientist has been able to tell the secret of the amazing powers of these super heroes. If you don't believe it, see for yourself.Prahlad Jani,
A devotee of Ambe Maa, has been alive without eating or drinking. He was also kept for observation for 10 days, but is completely healthy.
Rathakrishnan of Malaysia once pulled a seven-coach train with his teeth.
You must have also heard stories of such powerful heroes. But do you know that Superman also happens in real life. These real life superman can also give tough competition to reel life superman.
God has made the structure of the body of all human beings the same, all eat bread when hungry but drink water when thirsty, but there is one person on this earth who has been added to the list of our superheroes because of his antics, his name is Michael. Lotto, also known in the world as Mr. Eater

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