29 Aug 2023

Good morning.
I have been very lax with my personal goal of at least 1 post per week on PublishOx and or Bulb but in my defence I was very busy working in the UK and had very little time. My objective was to top up the savings and buy more BTC. I would have a video call with David that started with 'Hi how are you? buy more BTC please'. So portfolio wise we have just been topping up on BTC. Not very exciting for some but for me it is.
I am home now (moaning about the 37 degree heat and having the air con on most of the day!) but on the plus side we have now minted our first NFT. Neither of us have been particularly interested in NFT's therefore I have tended to not do any research on them or really bothered with any of the free ones I have received, BUT I do love free crypto so when Coingeko candies offer came up for free XTZ I had to go for it. I was expecting the usual watch a video do a quiz get a reward and almost did not bother when I saw we had to get an NFT and mint it but we gave it a go.
We found the process quite simple and it only cost us 7 cents so why not and we are now the proud owners of a minted NFT titled The Wise Old Man I can only say we were all laughing so much we were crying. 
I have no idea if the marketplace on Tezos we used is any good, we used Akaswap as I still did no research as it was more for fun but obviously if it was for real money I would absolutely do my own research, as should everyone.
I have added the link just because if your sense of humour is anything like ours you may get a laugh or 2 out of it. We are very happy with the description that ChatGPT has provided for our NFT.
Have a great day and as always thank you for reading and please feel free to comment.

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