Donald Trump still running for president of the United States, including serving time in prison

2 Jun 2024

The lawyer said Donald Trump would still run for president, including in prison, because "there are many people who need him

." Donald Trump became the first U.S. president to be criminally convicted on May 30 in the trial of porn star Stormy Daniels' gagging money. Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts he was indicted.

Alina Habba, one of Mr Trump's lawyers, told the BBC that "the former president was the victim of political prosecution". Habba said Trump plans to appeal and will continue to run for president even while in prison, because "there are people who need him." According to Fox News, sentencing is scheduled for July 11, four days before the start of the Republican National Convention

"This is a fraudulent and disgraceful trial. The real verdict will be made by the people on Nov. 5," Donald Trump said outside the courthouse on May 30, referring to the Nov. 5, 2024, presidential election day.

Trump can still run for the White House because the U.S. Constitution only sets out 3 criteria for a presidential candidate: Be a U.S. citizen born on U.S. soil, over 35 years old and have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years. There is no provision in the U.S. Constitution that prohibits a citizen who has committed a criminal offense from participating in elections.

Trump has yet to be convicted, but could face a maximum sentence of 4 years in prison, though that's unlikely. According to Fox News, Trump is 77 years old, committed a first-time offense and the count is the lowest in New York, making it unlikely that the 45th president will face prison time

However, if Trump is sentenced to prison, he will not be the first presidential candidate to campaign behind bars. Socialist Party presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs campaigned for the White House in 1920 from inside a federal prison after he was convicted of sedition for opposing American entry into World War I. President Warren G. Harding commuted Debs' sentence in December 1921.

Trump could also be sentenced to house arrest during his reelection campaign, which would prevent him from campaigning, but could still hold fundraisers from his Mar-a-Lago home or one of his other residences. New York City Mayor Eric Adams said in early May that New York City's Rikers Island was prepared if Trump was sentenced to prison.

Trump still enjoys Secret Service protection regardless of whether or not he is jailed. According to recent polls, voter support for Trump was not affected by the trial. A poll by The New York Times shows Trump leading President Joe Biden in most key battleground states, including Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Arizona.

Trump's campaign announced late on May 31 that it had raised $52.8 million online within 24 hours of his criminal conviction. That number breaks all previous Republican mobilization records.

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