Switchboard Announces Official Points Campaign

16 Apr 2024

Switchboard Announces Official Points Campaign

What is Switchboard?

Switchboard is a permission-less, customizable, multi-chain oracle protocol for general-purpose data feeds and verifiable randomness.

Entering the Oracles battle is not easy, but they started partnering with the following protocols:

They should announce more partners in the coming weeks.
How do you earn Orbs?

  • Contributing to Partner Protocols → Interacting with the data feeds secured by Switchboard
  • Completing quests on Zealy
  • Submitting content around Switchboard
  • More TBD

If you used already those markets, they will give you retroactive points!

How do you interact with the Switchboard data feeds?
It's quite easy, all you have to do is to check if the pools they provide have the Switchboard logo on it!

I highly recommend to try to participate in this campaign, cause Switchboard oracle is better of PYTH in my opinion, and they further announce that this Orbs Campaign should end in Q2! 

What are you waiting for?

Get those Orbs!

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