Bitcoin flash
“Bitcoin is the name of the first virtual currency and protocol, which was announced in 2008 with the manifesto written by Satoshi Nakamoto and became functional in early 2009. Although there is not much information about the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, it is estimated that it is a pseudonym used by the person or people who designed the system.”
Bitcoin is the virtual money that has been on everyone's lips for the last few months, in other words, it is encrypted money. In June 2013, I published an article called What is Deepweb? I wrote here that Bitcoin currency is used and corresponds to 10 to 15 dollars. Looking at Bitcoin, Google Trends and Twitter analyzes for the last month, research on the subject has almost reached its peak and this search volume has brought the value of 1 BTC to 1000 dollars.
“It is not known whether it is possible for a currency that is not under the control of the state to exist in today's economic system. However, Bitcoin, the digital currency whose popularity has skyrocketed in recent days, seems quite assertive in replacing real money.”
“Bitcoin is a virtual currency that is used via the internet and is not affiliated with any central authority or intermediary institution. “With this virtual currency, people or institutions can spend or accept money just like they do with real money.”
“The financial sector is divided into two regarding BitCoin; While the part of the traditional school argues that this is a bubble and will burst after a while, leaving behind many BitCoin victims, the other part, who is familiar with the dynamics of the Internet world, claims that the price of BitCoin will rise even more with the increase in the use of BitCoin in different areas of the cyber world.
“Considering that we have quickly moved from letters sent by pigeon to e-mail and phones to VoIP calls; Considering the developing technologies, it is possible to say that it is a virtualized currency that is completely away from banknotes and coins.”
“While the Bitcoin storm is passing through the Internet world, many Internet users are wondering: What is this Bitcoin? , How do I buy Bitcoin? He started asking questions like: “Then the victims of Bitcoin curiosity emerged.”
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital payment system and is the first and unique because it has many features. Its importance and value have been increasing since the moment it emerged in 2009. Bitcoin has many advantages over traditional payment systems (bank transfer, EFT, credit card, etc.) and these are tried to be explained below.