Earn $SNS Daily: 10,000 $SNS In-App Voting Rewards Every Day (150,000 $SNS Total Pool)

10 Jan 2024

Exciting news for music lovers and Sonorus app users! We are delighted to announce the launch of a new in-app music voting challenge, where you can earn a share of 10,000 $SNS daily, contributing to a massive 150,000 $SNS total prize pool.
This Music Voting Challenge, set to run initially for 15 days from January 2nd until January 16th, is designed to enhance user engagement in the app through a unique reward system tied to music voting. By participating in this challenge, users have the opportunity to influence the music landscape while earning additional $SNS rewards.

Daily Rewards and Engagement: To enhance your understanding of how to earn from the daily 10,000 $SNS rewards, here are the key points:
Buying Votes: Your rewards depend on the total buying value of the songs you vote on within the app, songs with a higher value & a higher total vote value at the end of the day earn significantly more $SNS.
Daily Voting and Holding:

  • Only the buying of votes on a specific day counts towards earning $SNS for that day.
  • While it’s possible to sell your song votes after purchase, be aware that doing so may decrease the total vote value of the song, subsequently reducing your rewards. Consider holding onto them until the end-of-day snapshot at 00:00 UTC.

Snapshot Timing: The daily snapshot is crucial as it captures your held songs at 00:00 UTC to qualify for that day’s rewards.
Next-Day Reward Distribution: Rewards are calculated based on the snapshot and distributed the following day, linking your daily activities to your earnings.
Reward Rules and Calculation: The rewards are based only on the total purchase value of your transactions (buying of votes). The more you spend and the higher the value of the songs you choose, the greater your share of the daily 10,000 $SNS reward. The total value of each song at the time of the snapshot is a key factor in determining your rewards.

Start Earning SNS Today:
Join us in this exciting music voting adventure and get a chance to earn a share of 10,000 $SNS every day. It’s a perfect blend of entertainment and rewards — a melody that benefits everyone! Influence the music world, enjoy your favorite tunes, and earn your share of the massive 150,000 $SNS total pool.

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