Exchange of Smiles.

26 Jul 2024

Smile is one of the best gesture Sense in all creatures by nature. Anything like object, opponent's attitude , success, beauty and inner happiness appears on face automatically in shape of smiles. It is one of the most powerful tool to Express, impress or conveying the aim without saying any words.
Today I was busy in our local VGR election. VGR, village base local government representative, was passed away and new VGR elected. So for that process people arrived from different place. ( For vote , being a agricultural land owner is mandatory) So people have agricultural land but living in the town or other cities Arrived to participate in the election process. The election event held in my First school, government primary school's ground.

After the election process ( our nominated candidate win) , I was heading towards parking to get my bike when I saw another person looking to me with deep delightful smile on face. I stuck to know who is he ? Another thing, smile gives attention too , force a individual to take notice about it. Then smile of cross gender ( boy's smile for girl or girl's smile for boy ) had totally different meanings.

I was talking about a smile from a stranger. I ignore him initially but he constantly keep smiling face by focusing on my face. I couldn't hold my surprise and asked him about his smile.
"Hello gentleman , I noticed your smile as you know me , but sorry to say I couldn't recognize you." He replied, Amjad , I am Rustam Khan, your primary school times school mate. Again I could not get it , he reminded me something about our childhood, early school days and activities and only then I remember him.

Exchange of smiles.
when I recall my memories, I rushed to him a hug him so warmly. A big smile rise on my face too and this exchange of smiles made all the memories back in mind as a video. We sat on grassy ground under tall trees of sheesham and talk a lot about our Life.

I invited him on my social forums like BULB, Tangled and Sunwaves and sent him the links. Sure sooner he will be here on these platforms as well. We will see a good stuff from his account because he is a good vloger , agriculturist and social worker.

The journey Started from smiles end up in another renewal of friendship which caught up the limits till social media interactions. After half an hour I get permission from him due to my school duty and I came back. It was a tremendous day with meet up to many old friends and especially Rustom Khan whom I met after 29 years. It was a great day and I will remember a most. (Sorry , I couldn't snap a selfie with him).

I was sitting in home garden while writing these lines and found this beautiful Grass Harper just near me on pomegranate plant.

That's all for today, like upvote and leave comment for feedback.

Lead image taken from Pixabay.

Amjad Ali.
Tangled| Twitter |Sunwaves

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