The Democracy

4 Nov 2022

Who are the issues in the media? Newspapers, public awareness work done by newspapers, various struggles, struggles, public awareness work (with examples) Radio In the freedom struggle, underground radio stations and then entertainment, news, various programs for public awareness Television, various channels Today's media, social awareness along with pure entertainment is the work of creating an informed public opinion Freedom of media, Govt. , no pressure from the capitalists, a neutral, fearless role as a citizen

One of the pillars on which democracy is built is the mass media in its present form which has become an integral part of our daily life. A healthy and strong democracy cannot grow in the absence of an independent, honest and vigilant media. Because the media is the guardian of the right of individual freedom which is a democracy.

We use the word 'media' very loosely for mass media. In today's time, when we hear this word, the first thing that comes to our mind are electronic news channels, but also newspapers, radio, entertainment channels, internet (including Facebook, Twitter, blogging, YouTube, etc.) comes into it as well. All of that is what the media today conventionally calls the showy/bohemian form of media because of the competition of different celebrities, sensational stories about them, sting operations to deliver breaking news.

Before the emergence of these new media, newspapers were the only media available. If we look at the history, then newspapers in all the countries have played a great role in creating public opinion for public awareness. m. Paranjape's 'Kaal', Lo. Through Tilak's newspapers 'Maratha', 'Kesari', through their explosive headlines, newspapers seem to have played an important role in arousing the angst about independence in the minds of the sleepy society, facing the discontent and creating terror in the minds of the alternative British power. 'Maratha' was effectively used. While the older generation spends their morning reading newspapers with tea, the younger generation reads e-newspapers on the internet. This story 'Newspapers are an effective part of social life. This shows. Black newspapers of different movements seem to have played a vigilant role. After that electronic media started from radio in the pre-independence era for the freedom struggle

While underground radio stations were used in the post-independence period, entertainment, news, awareness, etc

Because of these programs, radio reached the masses faster than newspapers. In 1965 Doordarshan started regular broadcasting. At that time, all activities of Doordarshan were a part of 'All India Radio'. In 2008, however, Doordarshan's services were separated from the dominance of radio. After that various channels came and today they seem to completely dominate other media. Entertainment, news, presenting the reality of the current situation and analyzing it should be the main aim of broadcasting.

They are seen doing pure entertainment or social awareness. See simple examples 'humorous' as a sire Do live shows really enrich the audience's sense of humor? Does the show feature great literature, great music, great dance and drama? Thanks to the ubiquitous network of the Internet, media such as Facebook, blogs, Twitter, YouTube or WhatsApp have come into the hands of common people. Information or reaction to an incident in any corner of the world

Anyone can send to millions of people in an instant through these media. It is also positive to make public opinion

Can be used negatively. That is why these media can be useful as well as harmful. In fact, the media should be an effective part of our social life, if the process of creating conscious opinion is done by them, their influence and pressure can also fall on the government institutions. Irrespective of the type of government in the country, whether democratic or authoritarian, it cannot afford to ignore public opinion.

In a democracy, a citizen has the right to understand the facts, to understand all sides of an incident, to form his opinion about it. It is the right of every citizen to express it if he feels it necessary. Media is expected to do this job. Freedom of media is the right of expression given to every citizen by the constitution. It should be a common practice in the media to give maximum space to the opposing opinion as well. Of course, that opinion must be coherently and sensibly presented.

A major problem with media today is that the majority of people look at it as a means of entertainment only. People are not always curious about the happenings around them. We do not have a strong feeling about it, a sensitivity, a lofty goal that challenges the latent achievement. On the part of the media, they do not seem to realize that their primary duty is to make the public aware of the current affairs by analyzing them along with entertainment. Without taking any extreme stance, it is the job of the media to collect events and explain their meaning to the readers, viewers in a neutral manner in the form of news. But that doesn't seem to be happening. The nature of news is not objective. A flamboyant reaction, showing the same scenes over and over again, tends to scream against the government, against the administrative machinery rather than sensibility. Of course, sometimes it pays off. Such programs are used to help disaster victims, crack down on abuses and corruption.

People of different ideologies present their side in various discussions on various topics. So common citizens are fully aware of those questions. Of course, the presentation is influenced by the role of the editors of that channel. An intelligent citizen can interpret it correctly but an irrational person can get wrong ideas.

Since commercial advertisements are the mainstay of the economy of the media, naturally the issue of capitalist dominance over them cannot be overlooked. Democracy is at great risk in being dominated by economic interests. Because money can buy freedom of expression. There was a time when there was a whimsical greed in advertising. Be it the 'Yahi Hai Right Choice Baby...' ad or Hamara Kal, Hamara Aaj, Hamara Bajaj ......... . Whether it was a car ad, the ad had an affinity beyond words with the product ad. Today, hideous advertisements for perfumes, chocolates, and the display of the female body with little connection to the product seem to reinforce the trend. On the whole, it is necessary for the media to neutrally, fearlessly present balanced opinions and report news without succumbing to the pressure of capitalists or anyone else due to the political powers and financial support of the government. Only then will they function as pillars of democracy

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