9 Oct 2023

At this point, I think it would be negligent of me to not consider Bulb as one of my favorite Web3 Dapps.

The way that the app is designed is super user-friendly and pleasant to navigate. The aesthetics is simple, well put, and easygoing, which is something that is not the normality in Web3, but the exception to the rule.
Remarkably the team developed a gamification system, that is gratifying to keep us, the “players” coming back for more, like a bunch of addicts - It is a good addiction in this case. It’s okay if you OD on Bulb.

The distribution of the energy system is super well-balanced, allowing new users to be part of a gradual and steady journey of growth. This is where the true potential of BULB begins to unfold. If you already have written content on other platforms, it's only natural to view this app as an exceptional platform for migrating your work. After all, the process is as simple as "copy" and "paste," which will be represented in incentives… And so it starts, slowly you will start growing into a “filthy” BULB addict.

Since you have 30 energy points, you cannot copy and paste everything at once, so in order to be incentivized, you have to come back the next day, and so on and on - What a nice vicious cycle, you get yourself into anon. Here is when you start realizing, that you can get Bulb points from interacting with others, and you are able to spend excessive energy to give your feedback, and since you don’t have enough energy to create more content, you start connecting with other users, that, unlike other platforms, are super engaged, and start replying and commenting on your articles, giving you a chance to continue engaging with them - Now you did it…Now you are officially a Bulber my dude.

You feel the need to come back every day, and improve your results! BUT (and here comes the beauty of all of this) even if you are not into writing, BULB has a special place for you as a reader and a commentator. Comment and earn. I mean why wouldn’t you want to do that? Not only you can earn incentives, but you can develop new connections, and learn about a panoply of extravagant topics, regarding every topic. You will be a part of the loop, whether you like it or not!

To be honest I didn’t dig deep enough, to understand all the potentiality of BULB, because there is a shit ton of things that you can do in this app! The challenges for example are super fun and a clever way of pushing the retention of the users in the app. The leaderboard execution is genius since you can visualize your potential earnings (probably won’t be as massive as portrayed, but still, is a very motivational factor to keep your degen side at the table).

I haven’t explored the NFT side of it yet, but that will be my next step.
With all of that said, it also would be negligent of me not to point out, that BULB app is not perfect (yet), and there are some processes, that will have to be improved. I said it not as a complaint, but as a natural part of the growth of any functional app - to be covered in a future article.

Until then I will keep coming back to get my daily doses of Bulb.

BULB: The Future of Social Media in Web3

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