Greatness and humanity

25 Oct 2022

Maharaj Veerbhadrasen celebrated his birthday.
Everyone was in the courtroom. Many people had brought various valuables to see His Highness.

On the throne, Maharaj was seated. All

He addressed the Maharaja with respect.

The process of presenting presents to the Maharaja starts.

done Many people travelled with gold to see the Maharaja

The ornaments arrived. Truth be said, gold to the king

Despite the abundance of ornaments, the gift contained gems.

By doing this, you'll demonstrate your awesomeness.

At the time, the primary goal of the gift givers was by a lot

Maharaja received a gold medallion from Tath Mane.The king was quite pleased with both the decorations and the subjects who gave them to him.
with a tiny rose bloom this time

Vamana was contemplating something while in the garden.

a straightforward individual who maintains the floral design. from others

Only Maharaja and I received gold jewellery at the time.

I brought a rose flower with me. Maharaj, what a lovely flower.

Will you concur? Gulabpushpa is Lankara's golden food.

Definitely not that valuable at that price. Bring the king along.

You will become lost in the court if you are envious of the flower.

People will laugh, it will be. What do I do? Vamana was uneasy, yet there were feet in the water.
If the water is dumped, it is impossible to determine its depth.
He therefore made the choice to present Maharaj with flowers.

done He approached the Maharaja and modestly remarked,

"Majesty! I'm giving you this "rose blossom" as a gift. Embrace it. I am unable to even bring expensive jewellery.

He started to give the Maharaja flowers after extending his hand, but

Maharaj did not acknowledge the flower and sat still.

For a magnificent king like you, a simple rose will do.

In his opinion, it was improper for the king to take Karawe as a gift.

There was a brief period of stillness in the court. dear Lord
He arrives in court as soon as he understands that the flowers won't be removed.
Phi Diphi Di began to chuckle. Fuji ti of Vaman

was completed His head was dropped. King also grinned


Maharaja Gaddi Vasanimi, an elderly sadhu

was in the courtroom. When he saw what had occurred, he

saddened by the king's actions. They arrived ahead of the king.

"Rajan!" he pronounced gravely. This unfortunate man, no

The flower that was brought seemed so little and unimportant that

Would you also want to smile?The courtroom's hilarity subsided. Of sure, the king replied. This flower is not even priceless because it is so little. Look at this, it's in my finger now.

Even if the ring dwarfs the blossom in size

She has an ardent viewpoint. That flower, what about it?

Why do you suppose? Because neither charity nor opinion are flowers,

It ought to have been larger.

She is bigger than you, Sadhu Maharaj replied.

Rajan, do you want flowers?

That bloom is the size of a chariot, the king declared.

It is a gift to a king like me if it is the size of a wheel.

Therefore, it is preferable to accept politely. The wise man laughed and grinned. I have never seen a flower that is as large as a chariot wheel, Sadhu claimed.
Never Rajan! And even if it is, the blossom is enormous.

This beggarly man cannot afford to purchase. then

Pay close attention. You are not this poor. let's go

The state is governed by you. As much as the chariot wheel, right now

You should bring the rose flower.

Give to me as a courtesy and alms

tax You have the money to do this.

There'll be one.

The entire court was silent; nonetheless

Abhi Mani Raja was unflappable.

He said after some reflection,

Alright, Miji. me Wait until the morning of tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'll offer you a chariot and a wheel-sized rose flower as an alms donation.

I will!

The king got right to work.

The family of a competent artisan

made A chariot wheel is simpler to construct than a rose flower.

But it wasn't impossible. Craftsmen prioritise work over care.

He put his abilities to the test.

Red-colored papers are used to create large rose blooms.

The court was once more filled on the second day.

In-person artificial roses were handed before the court. The flower's design was executed flawlessly by that competent craftsman. He made his presence apparent when he saw that enormous bloom, which was the size of a chariot wheel. at last you

The wager was placed. The king of Aavirbha Vat remarked,

A rose as large as the chariot wheel of Sadhu Maharaja.

Look at that. I gave this flower to you as a gift.

It must be embraced.

The bloom was observed by Sadhu Maharaja, who

He also began to exclaim, "Wow! Wow! great

This demonstrates craftsmanship. The artist who created this work of art is blessed. this stalk of semolina,

The single red petal is ideal.

Rajan, make up for Leeya's shortcomings! So please accept this flower from me.
The king briefly scowled. What an absence, Swa Meiji?

The humble Sadhu Maharaj grinned softly as he spoke.

Rajan's work is without a doubt excellent. let's go

A flower lacks a scent but has colour, form, and shape. let's go

This court is filled with the scent of roses thanks to the large blossom.

a must go The flower Sugandhashi Y is enormous.

What remains of the viewpoint? Despite being large, this bloom is fake.

Do not forget If a flower's smell does not make it more beautiful, then

I hope she gets up too. Despite the man's size

The greatness of humanity is not up to par. The beauty of flowers is the greatness of humanity!
The man who appeared in court yesterday was underprivileged, yet he had compassion. For that humanity's sake

He had arrived at the court to present a rose; but

In comparison to your glory, he seemed little. close by

Because of his lack of humanity, you own his humanity.

the day not. Be humane going forward and measure a man's greatness by his humanity.

The king recognised his error. your error

He sought Sadhu Maharaj for forgiveness after coming clean.

From this point forth, human brilliance and humanity

He didn't say he would see them. People should do it instead of becoming greedy for ornaments. Give food to the hungry and water to the thirsty.
It should be distributed, homeless people should be housed, and the land should be cleared.
Land should be distributed, and the illiterate should be educated

The king was not able to see the true humanity in this.


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