20 Sept 2022

Proof of Work (PoW) is a blockchain mechanism called a consensus that helps the technology behind the development of the blockchain-based project validate its transaction, hence ensuring its security in which each miner that is running so as to help validate transactions attempt to solve cryptographic computations and as a show of good faith is being rewarded with the fees that funds the transaction. As far as things that can be done to bring down the power consumption of networks like #BTC, what most people don't realize is that's already something that's in the works. In terms of the carbon footprint and the potential carbon savings and carbon offset or just recapturing the greenhouse gas emissions or just allowing for natural gas flares to go unchecked burning the natural gas off from these sites is totally devastating to the environment. The #BTC network is already drawing in the capital interests of Exxon Mobil, and other major drilling and oil and gas companies from around the world, and there are seeing that we can take something that is already part of our regular business operation that is normally a loss like a cost center cause we have this opportunity cost not capturing that energy and we are harming the environment and we can't do away with all that cause we already have those things in production and #BTC doesn't affect that, #BTC didn't cause that but rather the oil and gas industry did and we can recapture that and re-contribute to the security of #BTC network by using Proof Of Work mining machines on-site. So you bring the mining machines to that site where the natural gas is either being off-gassed or it could be potentially flared instead and believe it or not just burning that off-gas in on-site is potentially less harmful to the environment than letting it spill out unchecked into the atmosphere and #BTC amongst other POW blockchain projects fixes both those problems instead of just spilling the off-gases from these drilling sites into the atmosphere unchecked and instead of just burning it, and leaving nocturnal fumes into the atmosphere as well, we could recapture it, run it through a generator, use that energy to mine on-site cause you can't route that power back to the nearest cities or neighbouring environs, I hope that makes sense to you more than it did as a thought to me. Sometimes you are so far removed and most of the times in these drilling sites, you are so far removed from any kind of meaningful power grid that you have to use the power on-site. Now additionally, you can do all sorts of optimizations, you can do what is called Co-Generation on-site using the turbines that are attached directly to those generators to get upwards of 90% efficiency.



In 2018, PoW blockchain projects were turning from CPU (Central Processing Unit) / GPU (Graphical Processing Unit) Mining to ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) Mining because of the relative centralization of that hardware. The issue is that uPoW has a serious problem that is yet to be solved in the real world, so for now it's nothing more than a hypothetical idea. Though it's not yet solved in the real world, this is the fundamental problem; PoW is based on a wide array of computational problems, including Orthogonal Vectors, 3SUM, All-Pairs Shotest Path and not to mention the Cryptographic Computation of Hashing Algorithms like the SHA-256 of the Secure Hash Algorithm-2 Series to name a few, and then you have uPoW which in computing is based on General Purpose Computation; these are data centers like what Amazon, Google and the likes runs. PoW mining is not generally useful and GPC is very useful but it's not repeatable and can't be proven not to be duplicated and it's very hard to create the two in a merged scenario where you can prove that that general, useful compute that you did hasn't being duplicated or spoofed. uPoW is an effort to merge those two things and prove in the same way that you have, these hashing algorithms on networks right now through the use of hashes and a couple of other checks and balances but to prove that the work that you did is not only valuable but has not been duplicated and it's still not proven. My aim here is to get this concept into your collective consciousness and help you consider this solution because the minimization of PoW energy cost and carbon footprint is one of the most hotly discussed topic in a bid to improve the efficiency and not disrupting the trilemma-schema upon which it had been designed. As shocking as it may sound, my final take on this is that Proof of Useful Work is the future of Proof of Work. Every PoW chain that does now switch to it in the long term, will die.

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