9 Jan 2024

I have previously shared about the Cairo Language. Cairo Language is a new programming language and I will continue to provide information about it.

Cairo language has some fundamental differences from other conventional programming languages. Here are some key distinctions between Cairo language and other programming languages:
Use of STARK Proofs:

  • Cairo: Cairo ensures the accuracy and integrity of transactions by utilizing cryptographic proofs called STARK proofs. This is a crucial security feature used in decentralized applications.
  • Other Programming Languages: Traditional programming languages typically do not use such cryptographic proofs, resulting in a different security model compared to Cairo.

Security-Oriented Design:

  • Cairo: Cairo adopts a security-focused design, akin to languages like Rust. This aims to prevent potential errors and promote the development of reliable software.
  • Other Programming Languages: Security concepts in other programming languages may vary, and their approach to security depends on the design and usage scenarios.


  • Cairo: Cairo is specifically designed with scalability in mind, providing a suitable infrastructure for developing large-scale decentralized applications.
  • Other Programming Languages: Scalability is often dependent on the algorithms and architectures used, rather than the language itself. Cairo places a particular emphasis on this aspect.

Compatibility with Ethereum:

  • Cairo: Cairo is designed to be compatible with Ethereum, facilitating easy integration with the Ethereum ecosystem.
  • Other Programming Languages: Most traditional programming languages are not explicitly designed to be compatible with specific blockchain platforms. This can pose challenges in transitioning between different blockchain ecosystems.

Open Source Nature:

  • Cairo: Cairo and StarkNet are entirely open source, encouraging community participation and providing transparency in the development process.
  • Other Programming Languages: Some traditional programming languages may be closed-source or have limited open-source components. Open source is crucial for developers to review and contribute to the code.

These differences highlight key aspects that set Cairo language apart from other programming languages. Choosing a language depends on its suitability for project requirements.
Remember, the Cairo language will shape crypto in the future.

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