Stop saying “I Love You”

19 Feb 2023

These three peculiar words have been abused by so many people who do not even know what it signify. We often hear lovers especially spouses using these words, parents also use these words on their children but yet most of them do not stop to reflect on the true meaning of these three words.

The word love has given so many definitions in the Bible but we are well aware of the fact that love is simply an intense feeling of deep affection towards something or something. This intense feeling of affection is what most people who profess love lack and they go about with this deceptive lip-service that does not exist.
Since charity begins at home, love also begin from within. You cannot begin to love someone else if you do not love yourself. An intense feeling of deep affection towards oneself is the penultimate step to understanding what true love signify. The term love should not be confused with partial feeling described by “like” , “lust”, and “infatuation”. Love is stronger, deeper and can withstand a test of time when compared to the rest listed above.

So why tell someone “ I love you “ when you have never loved yourself? Or should I ask “ is there anyone who does not love himself or herself?” Many people will give a negative response to this question but I give a positive affirmation to this question. This is due to what I observed.

I came across a lady who operates POS as she walked sadly away from a retailer near in the market. Mtly curiosity got a better of me and I asked the retailer why the lady left with such sadness written all over her faces. What she told me made me understand that self love is as important bas self worth. She told me that the lady wanted to purchase her goods on credit simply because the money she has, she cannot use them to buy goods but to buy more money and she decline.

his got me thinking. So this woman values, loves and adores her business more than she loves herself which led her to starve herself rather than remove the money she has to take care of herself. Now, how will this kind of person love someone else. She cannot feed herself how will she feed her love? How will she clothe her lover if she cannot clothe herself. These are the category of people who should stop abusing these three strong and magnificent word for they do not know it true worth.

These three words can change so many things in the person it is intended to so it should not just be used as a lip-service but it should be backed up by action and not to be abused. If you do not love yourself, stop saying “I love you” to other people.

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