The Wings of Ignorance (Brief Reflections Part #3).

18 Jul 2023

Originally Posted: Publish0x

๐Ÿ’– Part # 1 - Life, dreams that have no end.

๐Ÿ’– Part # 2 - The force that drives us to live and dream.

Ignorance is the lack of knowledge or information about something. It is a human condition that we all share to a greater or lesser extent, since no one can know everything. However, ignorance can be dangerous when it turns into an attitude of rejection, disinterest, or indifference toward learning, truth, or reality.

"The first step towards knowledge is to be aware of one's own ignorance" - Anonimo.

In today's world, where technology, infocommunications, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies, blockchain and other advances offer us unprecedented access to information, knowledge and innovation, ignorance can be an obstacle to progress, the development and well-being of individuals and societies. To tolerate ignorance is to allow it to spread, to impose itself, to take advantage of confusion, fear or manipulation. It is giving up our potential as human beings capable of learning, creating, collaborating and transforming the world for the better.

"There are several kinds of ignoramuses: he who assumes not to know what he ought to know; he who does not know well what he knows; and he who knows what he ought not to know" - Anonimo.

It is not about judging or discriminating against people for what they know or don't know, but about fostering a culture of curiosity, criticism, dialogue and respect for knowledge. It is about taking advantage of the opportunities that technology offers us to access reliable, verifiable and diverse sources of information. It is about developing our artificial intelligence to be ethical, transparent and responsible. It is about using cryptocurrencies and the blockchain to generate value, inclusion and security. It's about being aware of the challenges and risks involved in constant change and being prepared to adapt and improve.

"The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance" - Benjamin Franklin.

To tolerate ignorance is to give it wings. Fighting it is giving wings to our humanity.


 โ€œEveryone has their own forms of expression. I think we all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more than half the battle" - Criss Jami.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth" - Marcus Aurelius.

All of the Tools, Platforms and Applications that are promoted in this article have referral programs with which you can earn passive earnings without investment, however, I recommend that you do your own research.

โšœ Velzon Trading Bot - Automatic cryptocurrency trading bot powered by artificial intelligence, percentage: 4.5% Daily, Team Profit x Referral Levels (6): 8%-3%-1%- 1%-1%-1% (See article).

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โšœ CoinInn - Trading - Bonus (๐ŸŽ) between $500 and $750, only profits are withdrawable (Need to complete KYC to extract).

โšœ StormGain - Trading - They can start without investment, capital is acquired with the Bitcoin Cloud Miner. Only profits are withdrawable.

โšœ QuantFury (JRRU2593) - Trading - Bonus (๐ŸŽ) in cryptocurrencies or company stock worth up to $250.

โšœ CoinEX, BingX, Doex, PrimeXBT, KuCoin, CexMoonXBTBiBoxBitYardZooMex - Trading - They offer different bonuses.

โšœ CoinMarketCapTradingView - Indispensable tool for traders.

โšœ Bitrefill - Living with crypto, a philosophy of financial freedom. Travel, play, eat and live with BTC.

โšœ Nowpayments - Non-custodial cryptographic payment gateway that allows merchants to accept payments in more than 50 cryptocurrencies.

โšœ Mosdex - AI-powered cryptocurrency arbitrage betting platform.

โšœ StormGain affiliate programWallet HandCash, Wallet Guarda - Make money and/or cryptocurrencies with affiliate marketing.

โšœ Ledger,  BixBox02Ellipal TitanKeystone - Hardware Wallet with affiliate marketing.

โšœ NFTify Store - To create your own NFTs store, without investment, no codes. 

โšœ Books & Other Tools - Some things you may find interesting.

๐ŸŽ GIFT - Code Profitable Bitcoin Arbitrage Bot:, Web platform Remix:, How to use REMIX: For educational purposes and not as an investment recommendation, arbitrage requires a lot of research and testing before being released to the market.

"You will ask yourself: And if I take a risk and lose...? I will ask you: AND IF YOU RISK AND WIN? Success begins with thought, because sooner or later the man who wins is the one who believes he can do it. Do not be afraid of mistakes or failure, winners are not afraid of losing, losers are, in most cases the risk comes from not knowing what you are doing, so trust yourself, learn, be patient, manage your emotions and above all, enjoy the journey, what the wise man does at the beginning, the fool does at the end" - Anonymous.

๐Ÿ’–โ˜•  Buy Me a Coffee โ˜•๐Ÿ’–

Author's Note: The opinion expressed here is not investment advice, is provided for informational purposes only, and reflects the opinion of the author only. I do not promote, endorse or recommend any particular investment. Investments may not be right for everyone. Every investment in the market and every trade you make involves risk, so you should always do your own research before making any decision. I do not recommend investing money that you cannot afford to chair, as you could lose the entire amount invested.

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