What Are the Foods That Prevent Hair Loss?

8 Jan 2024

Hair loss occurs primarily in genetic and hereditary aspects. But apart from this, the foods we consume are among the factors that trigger hair loss.

Foods that prevent hair loss can prevent baldness to a great extent, even if they do not completely prevent baldness. If hair loss has occurred genetically, it may be difficult to prevent it, but if hair loss occurs in terms of nutrition, it may be possible to prevent it by paying attention to our nutrition.

Giving importance to our eating habits seriously affects the appearance of our hair. If we want our hair to grow more voluminous and lush, it is useful to take care to consume some foods.

We can list a few of them as follows.
One of the foods we constantly consume in daily life is nuts. Nuts such as almonds and walnuts containing vitamin E provide vitality and shine to the hair. There are products such as almond oils and walnut oils that we can easily find in herbalists. Peanuts, another type of nut, can prevent hair loss.

Yogurt, a type of food we consume constantly, is good for both hair and skin. Yogurt is a type of food that is very healthy in terms of being rich in protein and there is no harm in its use.

Seafood rich in zinc, such as mussels, shrimp, etc., strengthens hair cells and provides a healthier appearance. However, it should not be forgotten that excess zinc will lead to hair loss if overdone.

Fruits, which we frequently consume in daily life, protect us from external factors by preventing various infections as they contain vitamin C. If we do not want the sun's rays to wear out our hair, we should consume fruits such as oranges, tangerines and grapefruits frequently.

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