23 Dec 2022

Oftentimes, we as humans tend to tilt towards satisfaction rather than enjoy the quest to be better.
I agree/disagree. Inevitably everyone is entitled to their own opinion but, may I implore you to do a background check on yourself, honestly, now tell me if you're really working towards your set goal or have you come to a point where you seemingly feel satisfied not to push any further or see farther than your current level.
Once the light stops burning, do you also stop or seek ways to ignite that sensation that gave you the dissatisfaction in the first place. You should know that once you have a dream to achieve (one that's achievable), satisfaction becomes the enemy until that dream is achieved. The moment you settle, the moment you give up owing to the fact that you just made progress and seem not to be where you used to be, then that dream dies.
The need to be better is first conceived in the mind before an execution plan and process is produced. The mind is indeed an asset with an unending capacity of value. Once the body begins to work in unison with one's mind, the unachievable becomes achievable. For example, before mobile phones were manufactured, we had telegraphs.
However, do not misconstrue what I mean for individual comparison. The best way to be better is to challenge your present status with your future self rather than with someone else. When you perform better, give yourself gifts, spoil yourself a little for making progress.
Do remember that "Someone who cooks beans can't expect it to be prepared within the same time frame as someone who cooks noodles", this simply translates to "Your time with destiny can differ from someone else's time with destiny".

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