Russia controls 4 more villages in Kharkiv

12 May 2024

The Russian Defense Ministry claimed control of 4 more villages in the Kharkiv region, while the commander of the Ukrainian army acknowledged the difficult situation on this front.

Russia's Defense Ministry said Wednesday that its forces had "penetrated deep into Ukrainian lines" and taken control of 4 more villages in Kharkiv: Gatishche, Krasnoye, Morokhovets and Oleinikovo.

The announcement of Russia's new advance came a day after the Defense Ministry said it had taken control of 5 villages in Kharkiv Oblast near the border with Russia: Borisivka, Ogirtseve, Pletenivka, Pylna and Strilecha. Russia in its May 11 statement also said it had captured the village of Keramik in Donetsk province from Ukrainian forces.

At an evacuation point near the front line in Kharkiv, many Ukrainians were displaced from the town of Vovchansk. Liuba Konovalova, a 70-year-old resident, said she had to spend a "terrifying night" before evacuating. Kharkiv Governor Oleg Synegubov said on social media that more than 4,000 people had been evacuated from the area in the face of a strong advance by Russian forces.

Russia on May 10 launched a new offensive in the Kharkiv region, threatening to open a new front where it was repelled by Ukrainian forces in late 2022. Ukraine's military chief Oleksandr Syrsky acknowledged Thursday that his forces face a difficult situation in the Kharkiv region, but said they are doing all they can to hold the line

"The situation is very difficult, but the Defense Forces of Ukraine are doing everything to hold the front line and defensive positions, trying to inflict damage on the opponent," he said on Telegram. "Ukrainian units are fighting fiercely, thwarting Russia's attempt to break through the lines."

Ukraine says months of delays in passing a major U.S. aid package have cost it dearly on the battlefield, but hopes the new aid will quickly bolster its defensive efforts.

Ukraine's commander-in-chief says it is struggling to hold the Kharkiv line

The commander-in-chief of Ukraine's armed forces Oleksandr Syrsky said the country was facing a difficult situation in the fighting in the Kharkiv region.

On May 11, Russia opened a new front in Kharkiv, northern Ukraine. A day later, Russia claimed to have captured 5 villages. In contrast, Ukraine claims it is repelling attacks and fighting for control of settlements. "The units are engaged in fierce defensive battles, the Russian offensive attempt to break through our defenses has been blocked," Syrsky wrote on the Telegram app.

However, Syrsky also acknowledged: "The situation is difficult, but the armed forces are doing everything to hold the lines and defensive positions." Kharkiv is Ukraine's second-largest city, as well as its most vulnerable metropolitan area, only about 30km from the Russian border. Currently, Ukraine is on the defensive against Russia, which has a great advantage in terms of forces and ammunition

Ukraine tries to turn the tables after U.S.

resumes aid Kyiv says months of delays by the U.S. Congress in passing the aid package have cost it on the battlefield. Kyiv is expecting the newly approved aid to arrive quickly to bolster its defensive efforts. "The enemy is acting in two directions... they are trying to expand the front," Ukrainian military spokesman Nazar Voloshyn said in a televised address on May 12.

According to Voloshyn, Russia's main offensives targeted the towns of Vovchansk and Lyptsi. Lyptsi is about 20km from the outskirts of Kharkiv - Ukraine's second-largest city - . In 2022, Russian forces approached the outskirts of Kharkiv before being pushed back. Ukraine now controls much of the Kharkiv region, but has come under constant Russian shelling.

Voloshyn urged Ukrainians to remain calm, saying Russia was conducting an information campaign aimed at creating panic, in parallel with the military offensive. "People keep calm... the forces are holding the line, the situation is under control," Voloshyn reassured.

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