Unlocking Digital Security: Navigating the World of Hash Algorithms – From MD5 to Keccak-256

5 Jan 2024

Today, I want to talk about a term that almost everyone has heard at least once, but most people don't know, Hash and hashing algorithms.

What Are Hash Algorithms?

At their essence, hash algorithms are mathematical functions that take an input (or 'message') and return a fixed-size string of bytes. The output, known as the hash value, digest, or simply hash, appears random but is deterministically produced from the input data. The magic of a good hash algorithm is that even a small change in the input will produce a vastly different hash, a property known as the avalanche effect.

The hashing is shown simply below;

Figure 1. Simple hashing example

As for Avalanche Effect, there is an image shown below. Any tiny bit change will give a completely different result;

Figure 2. Avalanche Effect

Key Properties of Hash Algorithms

  1. Deterministic: The same input will always produce the same hash.
  2. Quick Computation: The hash value is relatively fast to compute for any given input.
  3. Irreversibility: It should be computationally infeasible to reverse the hash, i.e., to find the original input from its hash value.
  4. Collision Resistance: Two different inputs should not produce the same hash value.
  5. Avalanche Effect: A small change in input should produce a significantly different hash.

Real Examples and Applications

  1. Password Storage: Websites store the hash of your password, not the password itself. When you log in, the website hashes your input and compares it to the stored hash. This way, even if the data is stolen, your actual password remains unknown.
  2. Data Integrity Checks: Software downloads often come with a hash value. After downloading, you can hash the file and compare it to the provided hash. If they match, it ensures the file hasn't been tampered with during transmission.
  3. Digital Signatures: In digital communications, hash algorithms are used to ensure message integrity. The sender creates a hash of the message, encrypts it with a private key (creating a digital signature), and sends it along with the message. The receiver decrypts the signature using the sender's public key, hashes the received message, and compares the two hashes. If they match, it verifies both the message's integrity and the sender's identity.
  4. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: Each block in a blockchain contains the hash of the previous block, creating a secure chain. In Bitcoin, for example, miners compete to find a hash that meets specific criteria (proof-of-work), securing the network and validating transactions.
  5. Checksums for Data Transmission: Hash algorithms are used to generate checksums to detect errors in data transmission. A checksum is a hash of the transmitted data. If even a single bit changes during transmission, the resulting hash will differ, indicating an error.
  6. Digital Forensics: In cyber forensics, hash algorithms help in maintaining the integrity of evidence. Data collected as evidence can be hashed, and later, this hash can be used to prove that the evidence has remained unaltered.
  7. Unique Identifiers: Hashes can act as unique identifiers for large sets of data. For instance, in big data applications, a hash value could represent a large and complex dataset uniquely.


A collision in the context of hash algorithms refers to a situation where two different inputs produce the same hash output. This is a significant concern in cryptography because hash functions are expected to produce unique outputs for different inputs. Collisions undermine this principle and can lead to security vulnerabilities.

Types of Collisions

  1. Direct Collision: Occurs when two distinct inputs generate the same hash value. For example, if both Input A and Input B produce the hash 12345abcde, this is a direct collision.
  2. Birthday Attack: Based on the birthday paradox, this attack finds two arbitrary inputs that produce the same hash. It’s called a birthday attack because it uses the same principle as the birthday paradox – in a room of just 23 people, there's a 50% chance that two people share the same birthday.

Why Collisions Matter

In cryptography, the uniqueness of a hash value is crucial for security. Collisions can lead to several issues:

  1. Security Breaches in Password Storage: If a hash function is collision-prone, two different passwords could produce the same hash. An attacker might then use a different password (which produces the same hash) to gain unauthorized access.
  2. Compromised Data Integrity: Hashes are used to ensure that data hasn’t been tampered with. If a file can be altered in a way that it still produces the same hash, this security measure is defeated.
  3. Digital Signature Forgery: Digital signatures rely on hashes of messages. If an attacker can generate a different message with the same hash, they can forge signatures.

Real-World Examples of Collision Issues

  1. MD5 Vulnerabilities: MD5 has been found to be particularly susceptible to collisions. In 2004, researchers demonstrated that MD5 is not collision-resistant by creating two different sequences of digital data that yielded the same MD5 hash. This vulnerability has led to MD5 being considered insecure for cryptographic purposes.
  2. SHA-1 Collision: In 2017, Google and CWI Amsterdam announced the first practical technique for generating a SHA-1 collision. They produced two different PDF files with the same SHA-1 hash. This called into question the security of SHA-1 and accelerated its phase-out in favor of more secure algorithms like SHA-256.
  3. Digital Certificate Duplication: Collision vulnerabilities can lead to the creation of fraudulent digital certificates. If an attacker can create a hash collision with a legitimate certificate, they can generate a certificate that appears valid but is actually malicious.

Figure 3. Collision example

The Evolution of Hash Algorithms: MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and Keccak-256

Now let's delve deeper into some of the most prominent hash algorithms: MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and Keccak-256. We'll explore their mechanisms, vulnerabilities, and real-world applications.

MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm 5)

  • Mechanism: MD5 processes data in 512-bit blocks, using a series of operations like bitwise logical functions, modular addition, and rotations. It produces a 128-bit hash value.
  • Vulnerabilities: MD5 is vulnerable to collision attacks. Since 2004, methods to create two different inputs with the same MD5 hash have been known, rendering it insecure for cryptographic purposes.
    • Real-World Usage:File Integrity Checking: Despite its vulnerabilities, MD5 is still used for verifying the integrity of files in non-security-critical applications.
    • Checksums in Networking: MD5 checksums are used in some network protocols to check the integrity of transmitted data.

SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1)

  • Mechanism: SHA-1 is similar to MD5 but produces a 160-bit hash. It uses a more complex process than MD5, with a larger message schedule and modified compression functions.
  • Vulnerabilities: SHA-1 is susceptible to collision attacks. In 2017, researchers demonstrated the first practical SHA-1 collision.
    • Real-World Usage:Digital Signatures: Before being deprecated, SHA-1 was widely used in digital signatures in software distribution, SSL certificates, and document signing.
    • Software Version Control Systems: Systems like Git used SHA-1 for integrity and version control, although they are moving away from it due to its vulnerabilities.

SHA-256 and SHA-384 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2 Family)

  • Mechanism: Part of the SHA-2 family, these algorithms are designed to be more secure than SHA-1. SHA-256 produces a 256-bit hash, and SHA-384 yields a 384-bit hash. They use a series of logical functions, bitwise operations, and modular additions.
  • Vulnerabilities: Currently, SHA-256 and SHA-384 are considered secure with no practical collisions found.
    • Real-World Usage:Cryptocurrency: SHA-256 is the backbone of Bitcoin's proof-of-work algorithm. It's used for mining and securing the blockchain.
    • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) Certificates: These protocols use SHA-256 and SHA-384 for secure internet communication.
    • Government Security: The U.S. government uses SHA-256 and SHA-384 for protecting sensitive information.

Keccak-256 (SHA-3 Family)

  • Mechanism: Keccak, the basis for SHA-3, represents a different approach from the SHA-2 family. It uses a sponge construction, where data is "absorbed" into the sponge and then "squeezed" out, producing a hash.
  • Vulnerabilities: Keccak is considered highly secure with no known practical collisions.
    • Real-World Usage:Ethereum Cryptocurrency: Ethereum uses Keccak-256 for various functions, including creating addresses and hashing data in smart contracts.
    • Random Number Generation: Keccak's structure is suitable for generating pseudo-random numbers in various cryptographic applications.

Table 1. Comparison of known hash algorithms

Each of these hash algorithms has played a significant role in the evolution of digital security. While MD5 and SHA-1 have been largely deprecated due to vulnerabilities, they paved the way for more robust algorithms like SHA-256, SHA-384, and Keccak-256. These newer algorithms are pivotal in securing modern cryptographic systems, from SSL/TLS protocols to blockchain technology, ensuring data integrity, authenticity, and security in the digital world.


  1. Evolution of Hash Algorithms: The journey from MD5 to Keccak-256 illustrates a continuous advancement in cryptographic technology. Each algorithm was developed to address the vulnerabilities and limitations of its predecessors, reflecting an evolving landscape of security needs and threats.
  2. Collision Vulnerability: A pivotal aspect of hash algorithms is their resistance to collisions. MD5 and SHA-1, once staples of digital security, are now considered vulnerable due to demonstrated collision attacks. These vulnerabilities highlight the importance of adapting to more secure algorithms like SHA-256, SHA-384, and Keccak-256 in cryptographic practices.
  3. Real-World Applications: These hash algorithms find diverse applications in several fields. MD5, despite its vulnerabilities, is still used for basic file integrity checks. SHA-1, while deprecated in many security-critical applications, laid the groundwork for its more secure successors. SHA-256 and SHA-384, deemed secure, are essential in the realm of cryptocurrency and digital certificates. Keccak-256, representing the frontier of hash functions, is integral in Ethereum’s blockchain operations and random number generation.
  4. Importance in Cryptography and Digital Security: The role of these hash algorithms extends beyond mere data encoding. They are fundamental in ensuring data integrity, securing digital transactions, validating cryptographic signatures, and safeguarding against tampering and fraud. The choice of a hash algorithm can significantly impact the security and efficiency of a system.
  5. Future Outlook: The field of cryptography is dynamic, with ongoing research and development. The emergence of quantum computing and evolving cyber threats necessitate continual advancements in hash algorithms. The transition from algorithms like MD5 and SHA-1 to more secure options like SHA-256, SHA-384, and Keccak-256 is not just a response to discovered vulnerabilities but a proactive measure towards future-proofing digital security.

In conclusion, understanding hash algorithms is not just about comprehending their technical mechanisms but appreciating their critical role in the fabric of digital security and integrity. As the digital landscape evolves, so too must our cryptographic tools, ensuring they are robust enough to withstand new challenges and sophisticated enough to protect against evolving threats.

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