Ubuntu İnstallation

23 Jan 2024

Step 1: Downloading the Ubuntu ISO
Visit the official Ubuntu website and download the latest version of Ubuntu. Choose the desktop version, which is suitable for general use.

Step 2: Burning to USB Drive or DVD
Use a tool like Rufus (for Windows) or balenaEtcher (for Windows, macOS, and Linux) to write the downloaded Ubuntu ISO to a USB drive. Alternatively, you can create a bootable DVD if your computer has a DVD drive.

Step 3: Booting Your Computer with Ubuntu Media
Insert the USB drive or DVD into your computer and restart it. Access the BIOS or UEFI settings to change the boot order, making the USB drive or DVD the primary boot device.

Step 4: Launching the Ubuntu Installer
Boot your computer from the Ubuntu media. You will see a desktop environment, and there should be an option labeled "Install Ubuntu." Click on it to start the Ubuntu installer.

Step 5: Ubuntu Installation
The installer will guide you through various steps:

  • Choose the language for the installation.
  • Connect to a Wi-Fi network (if applicable).
  • Select the installation type (usually, you can choose to erase the disk and install Ubuntu).
  • Create or select a user account and set a password.

Step 6: Completing the Installation
Once the installation process is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer. Remove the installation media (USB or DVD) before restarting.

Step 7: First Login
Upon rebooting, you will see the GRUB menu. Select Ubuntu from the list, and you should now be greeted with the Ubuntu login screen. Enter the password you set during installation and log in.

Commands we may need in Ubuntu
1 - File and Directory Operations:

  • ls: List files and directories in the current location.
  • cd: Change directory.
  • cp: Copy files.
  • mv: Move or rename files.
  • rm: Remove files or directories.

2 - Viewing Contents:

  • cat: Display the content of a file.
  • nano or vim: Text editors. For example, using nano.

3 - System Information and Control:

  • uname -a: Display system information.
  • top or htop: Show running processes and system resources.
  • ps: List running processes.

4 - Package Management:

  • sudo apt update: Update the package lists.
  • sudo apt upgrade: Upgrade the system.
  • sudo apt install [package_name]: Install a specified package.
  • sudo apt remove [package_name]: Remove a specified package.

5 - Network Operations:

  • ping: Test network connectivity to a target.
  • ifconfig or ip a: Display network connections and IP information.

6 - User and Permissions:

  • sudo: Execute a command as the superuser.
  • useradd and userdel: Add and delete users.
  • passwd: Change a user's password.
  • chmod and chown: Modify file and directory permissions.

7 - Archiving Operations:

  • tar: Create and extract archive files. For example, tar -xvf file.tar.gz extracts a gzip-compressed archive.


  1. File and Directory Operations:
  • ls: Lists files and directories in the current location.

Copy code
  • cd: Changes the current directory.

Copy code
cd Documents 
  • cp: Copies files.

Copy code
cp file.txt destination_directory/ 
  • mv: Moves or renames files.

Copy code
mv old_name new_name 
  • rm: Removes files or directories.

Copy code
rm file.txt 
  1. Viewing Contents:
  • cat: Displays the content of a file.

Copy code
cat file.txt 
  • nano or vim: Text editors. For example, using nano:

Copy code
nano file.txt 
  1. System Information and Control:
  • uname -a: Displays system information.

Copy code
uname -a 
  • top or htop: Shows running processes and system resources.

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  • ps: Lists running processes.

Copy code
ps aux 
  1. Package Management:
  • sudo apt update: Updates the package lists.

Copy code
sudo apt update 
  • sudo apt upgrade: Upgrades the system.

Copy code
sudo apt upgrade 
  • sudo apt install [package_name]: Installs a specified package.

Copy code
sudo apt install htop 
  • sudo apt remove [package_name]: Removes a specified package.

Copy code
sudo apt remove htop 
  1. Network Operations:
  • ping: Tests network connectivity to a target.

Copy code
ping google.com 
  • ifconfig or ip a: Displays network connections and IP information.

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These are basic examples. To get more information about a specific command, you can use the man [command] in the Terminal. For example:


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man ls

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