Is there still hope for Nigeria?
Is there hope for Nigeria?
A great percentage of Nigerians will give a NO as a response to the above question.
I think I may be driving towards this percentage of Nigerians.
Now before you condemn me, let me state my reasons why.
Enjoy this read🥂!
Till today, Nigeria is tagged as a "developing country" when it has the resources to make a developed country.
Nigeria is blessed with arable land for vegetation, crude oil, tin ore, palm oil, groundnuts, gold, lead, raffia, intelligent citizens, to mention a few.
One may be wondering, why would a country with such resources still be counted as a developing country when some developed countries have very little of these resources.
Well in my opinion, the problem lies in the utilisation and management of these resources, and that's where leadership comes to play.
The efficiency of Nigeria's leaders have deteriorated through the years, its leaders have their selfish interests at heart and not that of the people who voted them into power.
One can see that almost every sector of the country is filled with corruption.
Even the electoral body charged with the duty of maintaining and ensuring free and fair elections have undergone scrutiny from the judiciary over the announcement of who won the elections.
It will interest you to know that the Judiciary is not independent as it should be.
So do you think they will bite the hands who will feed them?
Remember how Abraham Lincoln defined democracy?; Government of the people, for the people and by the people.
Nigeria says it practices democracy but the reverse is the case.
Nigeria only practices democracy for official and documentation purposes because if Nigeria practices democracy as it claims, the people(citizens) will have the power to choose or remove it's leaders.
Not to mention how Nigeria refines it's crude oil from another country whereas Nigeria has what it takes to establish refineries in every oil producing state. Meanwhile, you can find it's leaders passing bills that each of them should be given exotic SUV cars when this money could be used to establish refineries.
Isn't this madness?
I remember singing "I am the leader of tomorrow" along with my classmates when I was younger. It is sad to know that the "leaders of tomorrow" are caught in this web of corruption, this madness.
In a little while there will be fire on the mountain and everyone will take to their heels.
I wonder what will remain of my country if this madness doesn't stop.
There is an assurance that so far as every citizen in Nigeria has not been eliminated in this aspect of leadership, then there is still hope that we may have good leaders and Nigeria will be a better place where it's citizens will prefer to stay within than than to seek greener pastures in other countries.
I changed my mind eventually and I believe there is still hope.