Survey: Crypto to Play a Key Role in Attracting Swing Voters in US Elections

4 Jan 2024

Image : Crypto Source : Photo by Traxer on Unsplash

A national survey conducted by the Crypto Council for Innovation (CCI) indicates that pro-crypto voters could be a key swing voter group in the 2024 US elections.

The survey, conducted in December 2023 with 454 US voters, revealed that 89% of them view crypto assets positively.

The survey found that the majority of individuals focused on crypto state that a candidate's stance on digital assets will be crucial in their voting decisions.

Approximately 83% of respondents stated that they would vote for a candidate "who wants to create clear rules for crypto" and promote industry growth.

"Crypto voters are not just a specific group; they are a diverse and influential group that can shape the landscape of the 2024 elections. This underscores the need for nuanced and informed policy-making, as these priorities can determine the scale of fierce competition," said Brett Quick, Head of Government Affairs at Crypto Council.

Crypto Voters Focus on the Economy

Like most broader voters, crypto voters focus on economic issues. From the available options, half (50%) chose inflation and the cost of living (31%) or the economy and jobs (19%) as the most important issues for the president and Congress to address.

When assessing the financial condition of the United States, only 28% of crypto voters said "very good" or "good," while another 27% said "fair," and 44% said "poor."

When asked about their current access to financial products and services, 53% responded "very good" or "good," and 47% answered "fair" or "poor," indicating that the access gap to the US financial system continues.

A total of 86% of crypto voters would consider using crypto to access financial products and services, with 47% saying they would strongly consider it.

When faced with the choice between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in 2024, 51% said they would vote for Trump. However, 46% said they would be more inclined to vote for Democratic Party members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, compared to 42% who said they would vote for Republican Party members.


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