About Bulbapp
Hi,i m new here.Btw bulbapp is best SoFi i ve ever seen.If you saying for what,let me explain.
1-Better UI than other all SoFi dapps.( without write button )
2-Really good user count and good quality blogs,not included my blogs :)
3- Chain choosing, bulpapp choosed solana, they did so good.Solana is best option for all dapp types.Maybe solana is the best chain,for users,lower fees,better finalty,best scaled chain
4-What can we do for now for SoFi earnings,bulbapp saying like 'what are you doing on twitter,do same thing on bulbapp'
5-And i m thinking now, 150 words is a little bit much for some blog types,bulbapp can do someting soon in my opinion.
6-What is the best think about twitter absolutely more twits,more user,better ui.Bulbapp can do it ? In the near feature,yes.But we can do it together,with good feedbacks to bulbapp devs.
Thank you so much if you read until there,have a good days degens.