Activating kindness: where to start?

18 Jun 2024

Kindness, everyone assumes it is like giving out candy to people. Well, it takes more than that. Being kind should come easy to people but the truth is that oftentimes, it doesn't. Sometimes we are sad and sometimes we are in a good mood. This sometimes dictates how we feel, and how we feel influences whether we are kind or not. In this blog post, we will be looking at where to start, if you want to be kind.

Being kind means being compassionate, caring, and helping people. It is a trait that people should possess. Why? It makes people better. The ideal society individuals want, the one where people live good lives and flourish, is only possible if we are kind to one another.

To be kind is to want what is best for others, to want to see them do better, and to cheer for them even when the odds are not in their favor. It does take a bit of patience to be kind in some situations. Like being kind to someone who isn't kind. But to be honest, kindness requires genuine motivation. Motivation to want to share happiness.

Kindness benefits everyone. Can you imagine a society without kindness? It would be quite awful to live in. We also show appreciation through kindness. If someone does something good to us, we show our appreciation by being kind to them in return.

To activate kindness you start by being kind, that much is obvious, isn't it? Then you have to look on the bright side. Learn to be positive, and leave the negativity behind. Also, a few questions you need to ask yourself:

  • Do you want something in return?
  • How close are the people you want to be kind to? This oftentimes determines the level of kindness portrayed.
  • Are you kind to people in your surroundings?
  • Is your kindness out of necessity and not genuine?

If the answers to these questions are not to your liking, then you need to do some self-improvement and self-searching.

How do you go on to being kind to people?

  • Endeavour to listen to people
  • Try to smile, it brightens the mood.
  • Focus on the needs of other people.
  • Give compliments, it costs nothing
  • Offer to help other people
  • Learn to say thank you
  • Try not to be too judgemental of others
  • Try to take care of others around you and,
  • learn to be kind to yourself

In conclusion, individuals should endeavor to be kind. It is a virtuous deed. As an anonymous writer once wrote no act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted. In the same way, individual kindness to one another is the key to a better society. 

Riddle of the day: Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?

Remember to leave your thoughts on the post and answer to the riddle in the comment section. Keep striving!

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