Law of Similarity

25 Oct 2022

Exploring the laws of UX will definitely help you in a whole lot of ways. Some of the laws also apply to real-life scenarios. So join ME as I present these laws to you bit by bit. Today I will be talking about the law of Similarity.

The Law of Similarity states that every human eye will always perceive elements in a design similar to a complete picture, group or shape no matter the space between them or how far apart they are from each other.

This is to say that once elements in a design have a similar patterns of presentation, the human eye would automatically groups them all together. 

Below are the things to note when dealing with the law of similarity

  • We perceive items that are visually similar as being related.
  • Things such as colour, size, shape, and even movement can portray a similarity between elements in a design. 
  • Always make a clear visual distinction between normal texts and clickable texts

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