Negative impacts of Ads.

1 Jun 2024

We are living in digital world where TV , social media and print media supporting the life of human in much better way then before. The medium of communication has been changed from analogue to rapid & quick transmission.

No one can deny it's effectiveness and importance because it transforms any message to millions of people in no time. In disasters , wars , natural afflictions and floodings the rapid communication only possible through these digital nodes. Even Ads making mindset of voters where candidates using social media effectively in their favor as it happens in USA, Pakistan and Nigeria.

But same time it has lot of negative impacts on our society. Each society has specific rituals, religious beliefs, traditions and customs to live and they love it. Here are some negative impacts of ads to us .

Unplanned shopping.
TV commercial, ADs and tuckers force us to buy the things which we may no need as basic necessities. The ads develop the image of brand with immense benifits so purchaser can't ignore it when saw in market. I also falls in such trap many times, when goes to shopping I bought those items also which not include in my list and these ads are typically works silently.

Harmon for hungar.
Ads of food generates Harmon of Hunger in our body which force us to eat more. This practice seen more in kids , they easily run on fat path. Wieght gain and slowly cholesterol levels increment made them sick at the end.
Attractive ads of food where we saw yummy , tasty and delicious food increase the eagerness in viewers. Which gives movement to try it out at homes or go to any restaurant or fast food chains.

Ruins the values & mother tongue.

As I said earlier each society has some bonds of religious and cultural values where we didn't talk lot of things openly. Some ads ruins the values and it kills the traditional assets.

Then we have mother tongue and we want it survival & continuity. The ads from other countries or societies effecting our mother tongue as different words of other languages including here.

Brand Ego.
These ads always work for the advertisers as "do more" , "buy more" , "we are the best" , etc. Now which company or producer can't afford the advertising, we took that product are fake , less valued, low quality etc. Which is wrong perception and it is base on our mind set by the ads.

Addiction & influence
Thanks to WHO that the ads of cigarettes are ban here and alcohol is officially abandoned so these two things are not available in ads but energy drinks, junk food , unhealthy chips getting promotion and the viewers especially our youth got addiction about these things.

They are avoiding the healthy food, homemade food and nuturious one but wants unhealthy food in meals. It is happening through ads influence.

That's all for today. Like upvote and leave comment for feedback. I will be glad to know your thoughts on this topic.

Note: The article also published on my wall .


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