The Resurgence of Board Games: Rekindling Friendships Amongst Millennials In the digital age

19 May 2024

The Resurgence of Board Games: Rekindling Friendships Amongst Millennials In the digital age


Where screens dominate our daily lives, an unexpected resurgence is occurring among millennials: the return of board games. These nostalgic pastimes are reshaping friendships and social interactions, harkening back to simpler times when technology was in its infancy.

A Journey Through Gaming Eras Growing up, many of us were surrounded by board games. Titles like Monopoly, Scrabble, and Ludo were staples in our homes, fostering hours of face-to-face interaction. As technology advanced, we witnessed the rise of electronic games, transitioning from the classic board to the screen. The PlayStation series, from PS1 to PS5, revolutionized gaming with immersive graphics and complex gameplay, drawing us into a new era of entertainment.

However, this shift brought about two significant changes:

1. Increased Screen Exposure: The prolonged exposure to screens has been detrimental to our eyesight and overall well-being. Excessive screen time is linked to eye strain, disrupted sleep patterns, and a more sedentary lifestyle.

2. Loss of Communal Bonding: The communal aspect of gaming diminished as multiplayer interactions moved online. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated this isolation, with many turning to remotely played games to stay connected while physically apart.

Post-Pandemic Reconnection As the world began to recover from the pandemic, a notable shift occurred. People sought to reintegrate socially, leading to a resurgence in board game popularity. This revival has seen a particular rise in Nigeria, where creators are developing indigenous card and board games that resonate with local culture and traditions.

Board Games in Modern Social Spaces In Abuja, board games have become a trendy addition to social joints, cafes, and restaurants. Establishments introduce these games as a means to attract customers and keep them entertained while waiting for orders. This reintroduction of board games fosters group bonding, reminiscent of pre-digital era social interactions.

The primary aim is to encourage social interaction and networking, a refreshing change from the isolation of screen-based gaming.

Examples of Screen and Board Games Screen Games:

1. Fortnite: A highly popular battle royale game that has players worldwide competing in massive online battles.
2. Call of Duty: Warzone: An online multiplayer game that offers intense first-person shooter experiences.
3. Minecraft: A sandbox game that allows players to build and explore virtual worlds, both solo and with friends online.

Board Games:

1. Monopoly: A classic board game involving property trading and strategy.
2. Scrabble: A word game that challenges players to create words from individual lettered tiles.
3. Ludo: A traditional game that involves moving pieces around a board based on dice rolls, fostering competitive and cooperative play.


The revival of board games among millennials signifies more than a return to nostalgia; it represents a conscious effort to foster genuine social interactions and strengthen friendships. In a world increasingly dominated by digital screens, the tangible, face-to-face experience of playing board games offers a refreshing and necessary balance. By embracing these traditional forms of entertainment, we can enjoy the benefits of communal bonding and healthier, more interactive social lives.


National Institute on Media and the Family reports on screen time and health. - Studies on the impact of COVID-19

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