How consensus algorithm works in blockchain

27 Mar 2024

How Consensus algorithm works this way in Blockchain

Michael is a founder who wants to launch an app for his print on demand business. He has a team with writers, developers, designers, project manager, social media marketer etc and wants to hear their ideas about the launch of the app for their business.

In a team you'll agree that a good number of people have ideas but in order for these ideas to be executed, they'll need to agree on one thing. It's more like negotiation(A win-win)

So they play a game to "Agree or Disagree" using their thumbs(Thumbs up/thumbs down)
Here's how it works.

🔸️Every team member gives a suggestion There's always someone on the team that never gives suggestions but is cool with everyone's idea.😅

🔸️They all vote whether they agree or disagree with a person's idea.

🔸️ They keep playing till everyone is happy and make a decision.

This game is like Consensus algorithm in blockchain. Instead of team members and their thumbs, we use computers and transactions. They need to agree on which transactions are valid and should be added to the blockchain.

Just like the friends in our game, the computers use a voting system to agree on which transactions to add. This makes sure everyone has the same copy of the blockchain and that it's secure and reliable.

In summary, consensus algorithm is all about agreeing on what transactions should be added to the blockchain system.

Did you get the gist?

My name's Pamela Okon. A Blockchain writer and marketer and I help Blockchain companies achieve their goal with the right words.

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