Get off the road And Control the Laughter!

5 Jan 2024

Have you ever thought about going astray for a day? I get excited when I think about what this will bring us. One day, when I was in college, I’ll never forget what one of my professors said: ‘I really want to live like a ‘dog’ for a while’ (that’s his expression, sorry). But I understood what he meant. He was thinking about things like living on the street, collecting food from trash, not bathing at all. This experience is different for everyone and it takes courage. Some can shave their heads, some can wear rags, some may curse, some may beg, and some may not speak at all.

Break a part of your personality!

Once you do this and succeed, it will set you free. You will realize that change, even extreme change, is possible and not lethal.
Furthermore, when you do something to make people laugh at you, you won’t think they’re mocking you or that you’ve failed because you’re controlling their laughter. Take a day to go astray and be happy!

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